10/12/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
12 October 2022 News
FDL Chase And Drug Bust
A 29-year-old Fond du Lac man wanted on outstanding warrants was arrested following a domestic abuse incident that led to traffic and foot chases in Fond du Lac Monday afternoon. A Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputy spotted the man and alleged victim in a vehicle and tried to pull it over, which led to a chase. When the driver pulled over Fond du Lac Police and Sheriff’s deputies chased him on foot and took him into custody. The suspect, a police officer, and Sheriff’s deputy were treated at St. Agnes Hospital for minor injuries that occurred during the foot chase. Police recovered 18.2 grams of fentanyl, 16.9 grams of marijuana, and cash from the suspect vehicle (pictured above). The Fond du Lac man is facing felony drug, resisting arrest and other charges.
Dodge County Traffic Pursuit

A Dodge County Sheriff’s deputy took a 33-year-old Cecil, Wisconsin man into custody following a brief traffic chase early Tuesday morning. Jerale Market was pulled over for speeding on U.S. Highway 151. He was allegedly going 89 miles an hour in the 65 mile an hour zone. Although Market pulled over he sped away while the deputy was identifying him. The deputy caught up with him nine minutes later as he was heading south past Beaver Dam. Market was booked into the Dodge County Jail on a probation violation. Charges of felony eluding, OWI, marijuana and drug paraphernalia possession are being sought from the District Attorney’s Office. Citations for operating without a license, reckless-driving-endangering safety, and speeding were issued as well.
Markesan Woman Charged With Bank Fraud
The 32-year-old Markesan woman with three felony counts of fraud against a financial institution in Dodge County court made her initial appearance Monday. Crystal Steinike is free on a $1,000 signature bond. According to the criminal complaint on three separate occasions in May and June of this year she deposited funds at a financial institution in Juneau from her closed bank account at Landmark Credit Union. The three checks were for $400, $550, and $2,750. Law enforcement tried to contact her multiple times, but she failed to talk to them. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for November 17th.
Waupaca County Carjacking Suspect Charged In Bayfield County

Charges have been brought in Bayfield County against the 23-year-old New London man who was wanted in connection with a carjacking in Clintonville. Nine charges have been filed against Seth Genereau for crimes committed in Bayfield County. Among those charges are fleeing an officer, two counts for car theft, hit and run, burglary while armed, three theft charges and a resisting an officer charge. He was caught in Bayfield County on September 28th. Bond has been set at $10,000 cash and an initial court hearing was held yesterday. Generau is also facing charges in Waupaca County stemming from a carjacking that occurred in Clintonville on September 20th. That theft happened at a Citgo gas station where he allegedly struck an 81-year-old Michigan man and took his vehicle.
Ripon Common Council Approves Creation Of Ripon Community Fund
The Ripon Common Council Tuesday night gave city administrators permission to work with the Fond du Lac Area Foundation to create a Ripon Community Fund. City Administrator Adam Sonntag says the fund could help pay for projects the city wants to do but don’t fall within the city budget. That could include enhancements to parks, community development, the arts, historic preservation, and public safety. Fond du Lac Area Foundation Executive Director Aaron Sadoff told the Council the Foundation has more than 400 different funds it oversees with $62 million in assets. He says when donations are made to a fund they can be earmarked for specific purposes. Sonntag said Ripon missed a great opportunity with the new Senior Center which might have benefitted from such a fund. The City of Waupun has a similar fund with more than $100,000 in it since it was begun about a year ago. Other cities with funds overseen by the Foundation include, Beaver Dam, Horicon, and the Village of Oakfield.
Community Health Input
Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says they had a pretty good turnout last week for three opportunities giving residents the chance to offer their insights on three of top health needs identified in last year’s Community Health Assessment Report. Mueller says they are in the process of putting together the next three-year Community Health Improvement Plan and needed residents’ thoughts about Mental Health, Chronic Disease and Substance Use. The first two sessions were at Marian University’s Stayer Center in Fond du Lac and tackled Mental Health and Chronic Disease respectively. The final session on Substance Use was at Ripon College. She was happy with the input they received at all three sessions. Mueller says when it comes to Substance Use they need to discourage youth from binge-drinking. She says that is a gateway behavior that can lead to other forms of substance abuse.
ATV UTV Course Will Be Offered
Town of Ripon Police Captain Howard Stibb says with more townships and cities allowing the use of ATV and UTVs he will be teaching an ATV safety course in the coming year. The township allows them on town roads and a couple of County roads that Fond du Lac County allows them to be used on. The county roads where they are allowed are a couple sections north and south of the City of Ripon on County Highway E and a section of County Highway KK. The state requires a safety course for youth before they can get a license to operate an ATV. Stibb says he’s certified to teach that type of course and will look at offering one before next spring. The City of Ripon recently approved an ordinance allowing ATV and UTV use in the City which goes into effect after the appropriate signage is put up.
Envision Greater FDL Presents Safety Day
Envision Greater Fond du Lac’s Safety Council will present their annual Safety Day at the UW-Oshkosh Fond du Lac campus next Wednesday from 8 to 11:30 am. Joe Venhuizen is the Director of Membership and Programs for Envision. He says they will serve a breakfast at 7:30 that morning and will have two great speakers, but they will also have an open session on safety at 10:30 that morning. The two speakers are Dan Hanlon who was in law enforcement for 30 years and Michael Pate of M3 Insurance. Hanlon has done safety training for thousands of people. His topic is “Situational Awareness and Response.” Pate is an Associate Risk Manager and his topic is “Risk Prioritization In Your Organization.” Safety Awards will be given out before the event closes. Details on how to register for the program and costs are available at the Envision website.
Events (envisiongreaterfdl.com)
Emergency Foster Homes Sought
Fond du Lac County is experiencing a high level of need for foster homes for children who cannot be safely maintained in their homes with their parents due to a variety of factors. These factors may include: substance abuse concerns, untreated mental health and trauma, lack of support systems, domestic violence, financial strain and a combination of these factors. When children are not safe at home, out of home placement is often needed on an emergency basis. Fond du Lac County Social Services is currently seeking emergency foster homes to accept placements for children 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. There are requirements, but also benefits for those who receive emergency placements. To learn more contact Social Work Supervisor Katy Metty-Reinhard at 920-929-3910 or email kay.reinhard@fdlco.wi.gov
Oshkosh Loose Leaf Collection
The city of Oshkosh has updated the Fall Loose Leaf Collection schedule. Residents are advised that the primary day for loose leaf collection will be the day after their regular garbage collection day. For residents whose garbage is collected on Friday, your loose leaf collection is Monday. Loose leaf collection will end the week of November 14th through the 18th on residents’ scheduled leaf collection dates. More information about the city of Oshkosh loose leaf collection is available at the city’s website under the Hot Topics section.
2022-10-10 Loose leaf collection schedule for web.pdf (oshkosh.wi.us)
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