10/10/22 Ripon Student Assessment Scores
10 October 2022 News
Ripon students tested better than the state average in both the Wisconsin Forward Exam for 3rd through 8th graders and the ACT Aspire testing for 9th and 10th graders this year. Ripon students tested proficient or advanced in the English Language Arts and Math for 3rd through 8th graders and in ACT Aspire testing for 9th and 10th graders. Progress was made over testing from last year, but the 3rd through 8th graders lagged behind test scores from the pre-COVID year of 2019 while the 9th and 10th graders had improved scores over both of the previous two years. Ripon Schools Superintendent Mary Whitrock says, “District efforts to write a new curriculum, select materials and adjust instruction to meet the needs of our students has helped us stay ahead of other districts across the state, though the interrupted face to face instruction has, as expected, impacted our younger learners to a much greater extent than our high school students.” You can read more by clicking here.
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