9/6/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday
6 September 2022 News
Dodge County Chase Suspect Bound Over For Trial
The 42-year-old Mazomanie woman who eluded Dodge County authorities after a traffic stop last month is headed for trial. Autumn Gernon was in court for a preliminary hearing last Wednesday and waived her right to the hearing. She will be arraigned on October 5th. Gernon fled from a traffic stop on U.S. Highway 151 at Redwood Road in the Town of Trenton. Speeds reportedly reached 114 miles an hour during the pursuit. She eventually abandoned her vehicle in a cornfield on Milligan Road and fled on foot. A K-9 and drone unit were used in a search, but were unable to locate her. She eventually was taken into custody at a trailer park in Waupun.
Interchange Closure In Winnebago County

The U.S. Highway 10/State Highway 76 interchange is closed through midnight Friday for pavement patching. The U.S. Highway 10 roadway and ramp patching project extends just over 16 miles between Highway 10 and the Waupaca/Winnebago County line and Interstate 41 in Winnebago County. Work includes concrete pavement repair, replacement of bridge approaches and beamguard, shouldering and pavement marking. Construction is expected to be finished in October. The project will extend pavement life, improve the riding surface, and reduce future maintenance costs.
Flu Shots Policy Change
For the Fond du Lac County Health Department COVID-19 in 2020 changed the way they provide annual influenza vaccine. Not many people got sick from the flu that year because of the precautions such as wearing facial coverings that people were taking against the coronavirus. County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says they were also short-handed so they couldn’t provide the clinics they normally do. She says they no longer provide flu shot clinics for adults due to the availability of the vaccine at stores, pharmacies, and through health care providers. They will however be providing flu shot clinics in the schools, which is convenient for kids and their parents. Mueller says they normally don’t start seeing flu cases until November but it takes a few weeks for the flu vaccine to be at its preventive best so any time during the fall is a good time to get a shot.
Fourth Dog Will Be Added To FDL County Sheriff’s Department
When Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt took office four years ago one of his goals was to expand their K9 program. They’ve been building that up slowly and will have a fourth dog in service by the end of the year. The dog will be trained in October and November. Waldschmidt says the K9s are good for tracking, protecting their partner and other law enforcement officers, and have proven to be invaluable in detecting drugs during traffic stops and other searches. The dogs have also become good ambassadors for the department at community events and school assemblies.
BART Wrap Design

Ripon residents had such fun naming the city’s new garbage truck city officials are hoping they will have the same enthusiasm for creating a wrap for the truck. A contest for naming the truck resulted in the name BART, part of that acronym is appropriately Big Red Truck. City Administrator Adam Sonntag told the Public Works Committee last week the wrap could end up costing about $2,000. The committee was supplied with photos of the truck with examples of wraps. One incorporated a photo of the Little White School House with the city’s name and the legend “Birthplace of the Republican Party.” Another used a picture of a waving American Flag with the words Ripon, Wisconsin emblazoned over it. Sonntag says they will take picture and design ideas from the public and possibly hold a vote on the entries.
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