9/28/22 Ripon Considering Creation Of Parks and Recreation Director Position
28 September 2022 News
The Ripon Common Council this week approved including a parks and recreation director in the 2023 City Budget. City Administrator Adam Sonntag told the Council as part of the master planning process a survey showed the city is lacking in parks and recreation programming and the general condition of its parks. He says there was an overall negative reaction to the parks. He said if the City is going to create the position this would be the year to do it with funding and grants available. The director could be housed at the new Senior Activity Center that is being built. Mayor Ted Grant said, “We have to continue to grow the city, every little bit helps.” He added it would be a great way to do it. Alderperson Howard Hansen said one of the things people look at when they are considering moving to a community is its recreation services. Alderperson John Splitt on the other hand felt people aren’t as active these days and the position would be a gamble for the city.
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