9/10/22 Columbus Man Arrested Following Dodge County Traffic Pursuit
10 September 2022 News
Dodge County Sheriff’s deputies were involved in a high-speed chase with a 42-year-old rural Columbus man Friday afternoon. Sheriff’s officials say the man was pulled over for speeding on Madison Road near Iron Road in the town of Beaver Dam when he fled from the traffic stop into the city of Beaver Dam. He then went northbound on U.S. Highway 151. Speeds exceeded 90 miles an hour during the pursuit. A Sheriff’s lieutenant successfully deployed a tire deflation device and the chase ended on Highway 151 north of State Highway 33. The man was arrested on felony fleeing and OWI charges. A dog escaped from the man’s vehicle causing traffic issues in both the north and southbound lanes of Highway 151. It was caught and turned over to the owner.
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