9/1/22 FDL Man Charged With Murder
1 September 2022 News
Bond has been set at $1 million cash for the 32-year-old Fond du Lac man suspected of fatally shooting 40-year-old Brandon Johnson in Fond du Lac on August 20th. Timothy Brown is charged with first degree intentional homicide by use of a dangerous weapon, and felon in possession of a firearm. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for September 9th. According to the criminal complaint the two men were at a bar early that morning and got into an argument. Brown shoved Johnson and shortly afterward they left the bar. Surveillance video and audio indicate four shots were fired in a minute’s time. The shots were fired at close range. Police executed a search warrant on West Cotton Street and arrested Brown. They also found clothing matching what Brown was wearing the night of the shooting. A lab was able to match Johnson’s DNA to a red stain on Brown’s shoes.
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