8/31/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
31 August 2022 News
Four Injured In Dodge County Traffic Crash
Four people were injured including two children in a two-vehicle crash in Dodge County’s Town of Beaver Dam Tuesday afternoon. It happened on County Highway A at the intersection of Ollinger Road. Sheriff’s officials say a 52-year-old man driving a Volkswagen north on County Highway A was stopped for traffic waiting to make a left hand turn onto Ollinger Road. A 48-year-old woman driving north on County Highway A failed to stop for the Volkswagen or go around it and struck it from behind. Both drivers suffered injuries and the woman was taken to the Marshfield Medical Center in Beaver Dam. Fourteen and 11-year-old children in the Toyota suffered serious injuries. They were both taken to the UW-Hospital in Madison. The crash happened shortly before 4:30 pm.
Drug Bust In Fondy

Fond du Lac Police say a K9 search of a vehicle during a traffic stop in the city Monday night resulted in the seizure of 21 individual baggies of suspected fentanyl, suspected Oxycodone pills, and drug paraphernalia. An officer made the stop in the area of South Main and Court Streets just before 7:30. K-9 Officer Matt Burr and his partner Gambo responded and during an open-air sniff the dog indicated there were drugs present. A 30-year-old Fond du Lac man was arrested for possession with intent to deliver and three counts of felony bail jumping. A passenger, a 42-year-old Fond du Lac woman, was arrested for possession, felony bail jumping and possession of drug paraphernalia. Both were taken to the Fond du Lac County Jail.
Garbage Truck Discussion
Ripon’s Public Works Committee this week discussed ways of making the city’s garbage trucks safer while they are running their routes. City officials are looking for ways to avoid accidents, but also indemnify the city if a truck should happen to be involved in property damage while collecting on private property. The city has had 40 near collisions at intersections and one truck was damaged in an accident. The committee was informed there are 85 areas in the city where trucks have to enter private property to collect garbage. Some of that could be reduced by having property owners move their containers out to the curb. City Administrator Adam Sonntag told the committee that their goal was to increase efficiency, decrease liability, and improve safety for the trucks.
Conservation Efforts
Fond du Lac County’s soil and water conservation efforts were among those highlighted in a state report. The County’s Land and Water Conservation Department started a county-based Soil Health Program in 2021. The goal of the program is to help farmers adopt soil health practices to benefit their business and improve water quality throughout the county. During the first year of the program, 36 landowners participated and 27 participants signed up in the first four months of this year. Among the benefits participants receive is a free soil health test, a meeting to interpret those results, cost-sharing for soil health practices, and access to technical assistance from county staff to help with planning and other resources. According to the state’s Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Wisconsin harnessed nearly $80 million in state, federal, and other funds in 2021 to advance and support conservation efforts such as cover crops, managed grazing, groundwater monitoring, farmland preservation, and farmer-led initiatives.
Narcan Training
In honor of International Overdose Awareness Day the Fond du Lac County Health Department will be holding free Narcan Training at the Fond du Lac Public Library from Noon to 1 this afternoon. The training will be in the McLane Room on the bottom level of the library. Narcan trainings are for anyone who is affected by opioid use, including individuals who use opioids, friends and family members of individuals who use opioids, and people who work with individuals who use opioids. At the training you will receive a free Narcan Kit, which includes two doses of nasal Narcan. Registration is available online or you can walk-in and take a mini-session 30 minutes before the full training begins.
Community Narcan Training Registration Survey (surveymonkey.com)
Student Debt Forgiveness
Congressman Glenn Grothman says the President’s cancelling student loan debt is unfair to those who worked hard to pay off their debt. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says beyond that it will create more spending and fuel inflation at a time when inflation is already too high. He says it will lead to the need for about $360 billion that the Fed will have to print. The National Taxpayers Alliance estimates the President’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan will cost the average U.S. taxpayer $2,500. Plus a provision in the March 2021 American Rescue Plan makes that student loan forgiveness tax free. Loan forgiveness is usually considered taxable income. Congressman Grothman says he recently spoke to a person that held three jobs at once in order to pay off student loan debt and the forgiveness bill isn’t fair to people who are so responsible.
Articulation Agreement

Moraine Park Technical College and the UW-Oshkosh recently signed an articulation agreement. It allows students pursuing Associate of Arts and Associate of Science liberal arts degrees to seamlessly transfer from Moraine Park and continue their education at the UW-Oshkosh with confirmed junior status. The agreement was signed by Moraine Park President Bonnie Baerwald and UW-Oshkosh Chancellor Andy Levitt at Moraine Park in Fond du Lac. The two liberal arts degrees will be offered at Moraine Park starting this fall. Earlier this year Moraine Park signed a similar articulation agreement with Lakeland University. Baerwald says the agreement with the UW-Oshkosh was the first of what they hope will be many. She says they are hoping to work out articulation agreements with the UW-Green Bay, UW-Milwaukee, and Marian University to name a few.
Vetrepreneur Deadline Extended
Salute the Troops in Fond du Lac in collaboration with Venture Project of Oshkosh will host Vetrepreneur Project, a project aimed to help support local veterans with entrepreneurial spirit. The deadline to apply for the program has been extended to September 16th. Salute the Troops Executive Director Jason Turner says the program offers local veteran entrepreneurs the opportunity to attend a seven week small business accelerator program. It will be held Monday nights October 3rd through November 14th at the Venture Project in Oshkosh. At the end of the educational program, veterans who complete it will get a “Shark Tank” like chance to “demo” or pitch their business in front of a panel of judges for a chance to earn $5,000 in seed funding from Salute the Troops. To learn more visit the Salute the Troops website or call 920-539-7472.
About Us | Salute The Troops (salutethetroopswi.org)
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