8/17/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
17 August 2022 News
Injury Accident In Waupaca County
The Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office responded to a single vehicle rollover accident in the Town of Matteson Monday night. Investigators say it happened on Lake Road, north of County Road C when a northbound vehicle entered the east ditch. The vehicle re-entered the roadway and crossed over into the west ditch where it struck multiple trees. The vehicle rolled over and came to rest on its side trapping the driver inside. The driver was freed from the vehicle and was taken to ThedaCare Regional Medical Center with injuries. The accident was reported just after 9:30 Monday night.
Sheriffs Talk About Illegal Drug Problem At Johnson Roundtable

Three County Sheriffs were among those participating in U.S. Senator Ron Johnson’s roundtable in Milwaukee yesterday on the southern border crisis and its impact on Wisconsin particularly the influx of illegal drugs. Green Lake County Sheriff Mark Podoll said, “Wisconsin is a border state. We are getting everything that comes through that open border. And if people don’t believe that, they need to pull their head out of the sand because it’s happening here.” Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt talked about the risks drug traffickers are willing to take to sell counterfeit Oxycodone pills that contain Fentanyl. He says drug traffickers they’ve arrested say they buy those pills for 10 or 20 cents a pill around the southern border and risk traveling to Wisconsin because they can sell them in Northeast Wisconsin for $30 to $40 a pill. Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis also participated in the panel. Last month U.S. authorities stopped nearly 200,000 migrants who attempted to cross the border. Johnson says, “Since the start of the Biden administration about three million people have entered this country illegally.”
Beaver Dam Sentenced For Possessing Child Porn
A 41-year-old Beaver Dam man was sentenced in Dodge County court Tuesday to 10 years in prison and 15 years of extended supervision on three counts of possession of child pornography. In May of last year detectives spoke with Matthew Haase due to a cyber tip that resulted in a search warrant. Haase confessed to possession of child sexual abuse material. Examination of his electronic devices revealed over 1000 images and video of such material. The investigation revealed many of victims were subjected to the acts for the specific purpose of producing material for distribution by adults to other consumers. District Attorney Kurt Klomberg says the stories of the victims are among the most tragic he has had to read in his 20 years as a prosecutor.
Ripon School Board Approves Referendum
The Ripon Area School District Board Monday night approved a referendum question for the November ballot that will ask voters to allow the school district to exceed its revenue cap for operating expenses. The question will ask to exceed the revenue limit by $850,000 a year for six years. Because of property growth and additional state aide, the mill rate should decrease even with the passage of a referendum. The increase in District general operating revenue would begin in the 2022-23 academic year and end with the 2027-28 school year. The board unanimously passed a resolution to exceed the revenue limit and a second resolution placing the referendum question on the ballot.
Deer Farm Depopulated
The state’s Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection confirms that a Waukesha County deer farm that tested positive for chronic wasting disease earlier this year has been depopulated. Of the 20 animals depopulated, eight tested positive for the disease. In February, DATCP immediately quarantined the farm when two 3-year-old white-tailed bucks tested positive for CWD. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services depopulated the herd on August 3rd, and samples were submitted to a lab in Ames, Iowa for testing. The farm owner will receive federal indemnity for the depopulated animals.
Waupun Community Fund Making A Difference
Started a year ago last winter the Waupun Community Fund is making a difference in the quality of life in Waupun. Mayor Rohn Bishop says the fund helps pay for improvements that otherwise wouldn’t be covered for in the city’s budget. He says a good example is the $52,000 donation Mike Werner made to improve the road into Shaler Park. The road by the End of the Trail sculpture, which is also the main driveway to the Mill Pond area and the cemetery, was in poor condition. As part of that project they will have new ADA parking around the Veterans Memorial. Bishop says in honor of that generous donation the road has been renamed “Mike Werner Way.” Another project will replace the fountain in the Mill Pond that broke down this summer. Bishop says donations to the fund are tax deductible and can be earmarked for certain purposes. For more information contact Waupun City Hall at 920-324-7900.
Benefits Survey Results Released
Envision Greater Fond du Lac, the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce and Greater Oshkosh EDC, and Winnebago County were among the nearly dozen economic development organizations that participated in an employer benefits survey. The survey done in May had 191 respondents or nearly a third of the 600 manufacturers in Northeast Wisconsin that were asked to participate. Envision President and CEO Sadie Vander Velde says the comparative data will allow those employers to see how their benefits measure up to what others in the region are offering. She says many of the respondents offer dental and health insurance, employee assistance programs, and paid holidays. However, nearly 60 percent don’t provide some type of child care assistance which can be a hiring impediment. The survey was prepared by the Northeast Wisconsin Regional Economic Partnership and KerberRose.
PowerPoint Presentation (envisiongreaterfdl.com)
Diverse Options Annual Community Golf Classic
The Diverse Options Foundation will hold their 27th Annual Community Golf Classic at the Golf Courses of Lawsonia in Green Lake next Wednesday. It will take place on the Woodlands Course. Al Schraeder is the President and CEO of Diverse Options of Ripon. He says their Mission Statement: “To support, educate, and empower individuals to reach their highest level of independence” is something they strive for every day. They do that through the jobs they provide to people with different abilities and support they provide for them to live in their own homes and apartments. They also assist them in having meaningful days. Schraeder notes that they provide services to 250 to 275 people every year. Over the years the golf outing has raised over $200,000 to benefit the services provided by Diverse Options. Those who would like to know more about participating in the Golf Outing can call 920-748-6387.
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