7-31-22 Ribbon Cutting At Blue Culture Tees
31 July 2022 News
Fond du Lac, Wis. – Envision Greater Fond du Lac hosted a ribbon cutting at member organization, Blue Culture Tees to commemorate their grand opening.
Blue Culture Tees is deeply committed to providing quality products to customers, all while being environmentally conscience. A portion of each order is donated to the Ocean Cleanup, a nonprofit organization that removes plastics and garbage from our oceans. They also plant trees with One Tree Planted when you buy any of their t-shirts.
“I’ve always been mindful of our ecosystem,” Matt Covey, owner, said. “When I started this business, I wanted to offer great items in a mall-like setting. I also wanted to do my part in keeping our global environment clean, healthy, and sustainable. With this business, and the team I work with, we’re making an impact.”
Blue Culture Tees is located at 82 S. Macy Street, near downtown Fond du Lac. To learn more, including inventory, sales, and their approach to giving back, please visit blueculturetees.com.
For more about Envision Greater Fond du Lac, please visit envisiongreaterfdl.com.
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