7/27/22 Douglas Mullenix Running For Congress
27 July 2022 News
A Menasha businessman says he wants to bring a solution-based approach to Federal Government. It is one the primary reasons Douglas Mullenix is running as a Republican for the 6th Congressional District seat. The Health Care consultant says he saw how COVID-19 affected people’s mental health and came up with some possible ideas for legislation he wanted to share with Congressman Glenn Grothman’s Office. So he wrote the Congressman’s Office and called, but he says he was repeatedly ignored so he chose to run against Grothman instead. Mullenix would like to see the Affordable Care Act expanded to include mental health care for everyone and would like to see that veterans can see the doctor of their choosing. Mullenix says you won’t accomplish anything by blaming the other party for everything, but you will if you find a way to work with them. Mullenix has a website where you can read about his views on a number of topics.
Douglas Mullenix | U.S. House of Representatives
To hear an interview with Douglas Mullenix click here.
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