7/17/22 Greenfield Man Arrested Following FDL County Traffic Chase
17 July 2022 News
Fleeing and OWI charges are being brought against a 51-year-old Greenfield man who led Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies on an 11-mile pursuit Saturday night. Sheriff’s officials say it began as calls about a reckless driver in a black pickup truck on Highway 151 southbound in the Town of Taycheedah who was driving all over the road, crossing over the centerline and almost crashed into oncoming traffic. A pursuit followed in and around the city of Fond du Lac. Tire deflation devices were deployed on Highway 151 near County Highway V that flattened the passenger side tires of the pickup. The driver was circling back into the city exiting Highway 151 southbound onto Hickory Street when a deputy rammed the pickup truck causing it to spin off the roadway into a ditch. The driver was taken to the Fond du Lac County where he was booked on a fleeing charge with a pending OWI 6th offense charge. There was minor damage to the pickup and the squad car that hit it. No one was injured during the pursuit. The State Patrol assisted in the chase.
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