7/15/22 Witnesses Asked To Come Forward In Fox River Boat Collision
15 July 2022 News
Winnebago County Sheriff’s investigators have now talked with all seven people who were on board a powerboat that crashed into a Riverboat on the Fox River in Oshkosh last Saturday night. They would now like to speak with any of the 43 passengers that were on the paddleboat that they have not spoken with yet. They are requesting that if you were a passenger on the party boat and have not yet talked with an investigator that you contact the Sheriff’s office. Investigators are also interested in talking to anyone that saw the 45-foot powerboat the night of the collision. To contact the Sheriff’s Office call 920-236-7316 and leave a message indicating the best time for your call to be returned. Fifty-two-year-old Jason Lindemann of Oshkosh, the operator of the powerboat, has been charged with 12 counts of recklessly endangering safety and 11 counts of failing to render aid. (Winnebago County Sheriff’s photo)
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