6/9/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday
9 June 2022 News
FDL Woman Arrested For Fourth OWI
A 47-year-old Fond du Lac woman was arrested by the State Patrol Wednesday afternoon for allegedly driving while under the influence on Interstate 41 near Fond du Lac County Highway N. A state trooper got a driving complaint about a vehicle that was driving 15 miles an hour on the interstate. A DNR Warden initiated the traffic stop of Antoinette Jessup and stayed on the scene while the trooper conducted field sobriety testing. Jessup was arrested for her fourth OWI and was taken to the Fond du Lac County Jail. Jessup was convicted of her third OWI in Waushara County in May of 2017.
New FDL County Executive To Be Sworn In Today

Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg will swear-in new County Executive Sam Kaufman today. Kaufman won Tuesday’s special election beating two write-in candidates to take over the remaining term of the late County Executive Allen Buechel. Buechel died on March 27th as he was finishing up his 11th month of a four-year term. Kaufman will become the County’s third county executive since it switched over from a county administrator form of government in the early 1980’s. Anita Anderegg served as the county’s first county executive from 1981 to 1993. Buechel was the county executive from 1993 to March of this year. County Director of Administration Erin Gerred and former County Board Chairman Marty Farrell each had either interim or acting roles as county executive since Buechel’s death. Kaufman’s swearing-in ceremony is at 11 am in the legislative chambers of the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac.
Sex Offender Will Be Released To Live In Oshkosh

Winnebago County Sheriff’s officials say a 37-year-old sex offender being released from prison will be living at 5125 Killdeer Lane in Oshkosh starting next Tuesday. Nickolas Miller will be under supervision until June 19th of 2027. Miller was convicted of two counts of possession of child pornography in Winnebago County in 2019. He possessed multiple photos of minor females in sexually explicit situations. Miller is currently incarcerated at the New Lisbon Correctional Institution.
COVID Update

Wisconsin’s 7-day rolling average for new COVID-19 cases increased Wednesday to 1,900 new cases a day and the positivity rate remains high at 12.7 percent for all tests. The Wisconsin Hospital Association yesterday reported 398 COVID-19 patients in hospitals statewide with 66 in intensive care units; both numbers are down slightly from Tuesday. Meanwhile Community levels of COVID remain high in 11 counties, are at medium levels in 20 counties, and are at low levels in the remaining 41 counties.
Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Waupaca, Waushara and Winnebago counties all have low community levels of the coronavirus.
Illegal Dumping A Problem In Dodge County Township
The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office says Town of Hubbard officials have brought an illegal dumping problem to their attention. Mattresses, animal carcasses, and other garbage have been dumped into ditches and onto private property in the areas of Strange Road, Horseshoe Road, and Gray Road. The sheriff’s office will be patrolling those areas more frequently and will be issuing citations to violators. Ultimately the illegal dumping costs the taxpayers money because a municipality has to clean up and pay for disposal of the items. Anyone with information regarding the dumping of items in the area is asked to contact the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office non-emergency number at 920-386-3726.
Stephanie’s Story To Be Shared In Markesan Tonight

The Tri-County Overdose Fatality Review Team is sponsoring a presentation on recovery and resilience tonight at 5:30 pm at the Markesan High School. Lisa Rollin is facilitator for the team. She says drug addiction is a problem even in rural counties like Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara. She says one of the obstacles to overcoming addiction is learning about what resources can be turned to for help. Rollin says in February the team heard a presentation from Stephanie Good who grew up in Neshkoro and became addicted to drugs. Stephanie will share her story tonight in Markesan. Rollin says Stephanie’s Story is about hope and resilience. Rollin says local resources and vendors will be part of the night’s program and there will be heavy appetizers.
Tourism Economic Impact Up For 2021
The Wisconsin Department of Tourism released its 2021 economic impact data Wednesday, showing tourism in the state generated nearly $21 billion in total economic impact. Statewide, total economic impact increased 21 percent, with all 72 counties reporting double digit growth over 2020. In Fond du Lac County the impact was up nearly 18 percent (17.7) to $241 million. In Winnebago County it rose by 17.1 percent to $458 million. Dodge County saw a 14.1 percent increase to $153 million. There was an 18.5 percent increase in Green Lake County to $52 million. Waupaca County’s tourism impact increased by 14.1 percent to $146 million and Waushara County’s increased by 15.4 percent to $110 million. Tourism supported more than 169,700 full and part-time jobs in Wisconsin in 2021 up 7 percent from 2020. The state also hosted over 102.3 million visitor trips in 2021, up 12 percent from 2020. Visitors generated $1.4 billion in state and local taxes because of tourism spending.
Economic Impact (travelwisconsin.com)
Splash Into Summer Returns To Green Lake Saturday
Following a two-year hiatus because of the pandemic, “Splash into Summer” returns to Green Lake this weekend. Carrie Nolen is the owner of Sassafras Coffee and an organizer for the event. It will be held at Playground Park from 11 am to 3 pm Saturday. Nolen says they will have two bounce houses, magic shows and much more including face painters, glitter tattoo artists, a balloon twister, Walleyes for tomorrow will hold a fishing clinic. There will be burgers, hot dogs, treats, and root beer floats. She says it is a free event that allows the businesses of Green Lake to show their appreciation to the community for their support throughout the year. This will be the seventh year for “Splash into Summer.”
Qualifications Change For Stock Box Program
The Ripon Senior Activity Center has changed its requirements for those who qualify for their once a month stock box program. Center Executive Director Noreen Johnson says the program is for those over 60 that are food insecure, but lately they’ve had people show up from well outside the community to take advantage of the free food. So they will now limit it to those who live within the Ripon Area School District. She says there are also income guidelines and if you want to call the center at 920-748-6225 they can tell you if you qualify. The next date for distribution of the box is Wednesday, June 29th.
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