6/30/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday
30 June 2022 News
Two Killed In Columbia County Crash
A traffic crash involving a motorcycle and two pickup trucks in Columbia County’s Town of Caledonia claimed two lives Tuesday afternoon. At 4:41 pm the County’s Dispatch Center received numerous 911 calls regarding the crash on State Highway 33 near Interstate 90. Lifesaving measures were attempted on both the man and woman who were on the motorcycle, but to no avail. They were 60 years old and from Portage. Highway 33 was closed for approximately 3 hours. The State Patrol is handling the crash investigation. The Columbia County Sheriff’s Office reminds drivers it is the time of year when motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians also use our roadways. They recommend staying alert, putting your phones and electronic devices away and keeping your focus on driving.
Black Bear On The Move

In addition to deer motorists need to be on the lookout for black bear on area roadways. The Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Department says a black bear that had been roving through that county was hit and killed by an SUV on State Highway 57 near Waldo early Wednesday morning. The driver wasn’t hurt. On June 22nd another black bear was hit by a truck and killed on Interstate 43 near the Hales Corner Interchange in Milwaukee County. Last Saturday a black bear was spotted in Winnebago County. That sighting prompted the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office to caution residents to consider removing food sources like bird feeders in the Omro and Winneconne areas.
COVID 19 Update

State health officials say 1,787 new COVID-19 cases were reported yesterday, but for the second day the 7-day average for new cases stayed below 1,400 at 1,393 cases. The positivity rate is at 11.8 percent. Ten deaths were attributed to the coronavirus and 33 hospitalizations. The Wisconsin Hospital Association reports 379 COVID-19 patients in hospitals across the state with 46 in intensive care units.
Winnebago County reported 53 new COVID-19 cases Wednesday. Thirty-one new cases were recorded in Fond du Lac County and 24 in Dodge County. Green Lake and Waushara Counties each reported 2 new cases of the coronavirus, and Waupaca County had 5 new cases.
Special Meeting Of The Ripon Common Council
The Ripon Common Council will hold a special meeting at 5 pm this evening in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. On the agenda is the issuing of up to nearly $449,000 in Sewerage System Revenue Bonds and the issuing of just over $743,000 in Water System Revenue Bonds for projects. The special meeting is being held to take advantage of interest rates which could save the city thousands of dollars over the years. Some members of the Council may attend virtually through the Zoom platform.
Pet Ordinance Amended
The Ripon Common Council this week amended a city ordinance requiring a signed petition with neighbors’ signatures if a person wants to keep more than 5 cats and dogs in their dwelling. Seventy-five percent of those 18 years or older living within 200 feet of the dwelling would have to sign the petition allowing more pets. The ordinance makes an exception for litters of puppies or kittens which could be kept up to six months. Police Chief Bill Wallner says his department deals with a lot of animal complaints; primarily barking dogs and loose cats and dogs. The Council also approved an alcoholic beverage license for Roadhouse Pizza which had been held back from their June 14th meeting so clarifications and corrections could be made to their application.
Oshkosh Bridge Fix
Tuesday night the Oshkosh Common Council approved a long-term option to rehabilitate the Jackson-Oregon Street Bridge. During a routine state inspection worn gear teeth were discovered which helps to raise and lower the bridge. That prompted the closing of the bridge more than a month ago. With repairs underway the city has agreed to reconstruct the bridge. Council members this week approved the off-alignment, fixed-bridge option. It would give a driveway connection to Division Street, instead of Jackson Street. It’s anticipated that reconstruction would give the bridge an expected service life of 75 years.
Congressman Grothman On Roe V Wade Decision
Congressman Glenn Grothman says the overturning of Roe versus Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court will be the catalyst for much debate and challenges at the state level. The high court’s decision last Friday sent the abortion issue back to the states. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says it has been nearly 50 years since the initial Roe versus Wade decision and religion didn’t weigh in much over those years. But he believes churches will this time. He doesn’t think a lawsuit challenging Wisconsin’s 1849 law prohibiting the practice, except to save the life of the mother, will be successful. He says State Attorney General Josh Kaul will use the issue in his re-election efforts.
Closing The Student Achievement Gap Created By COVID
The Ripon Area School District Board of Education recently received the End of the Year Report on Student Achievement and it included some good news. District Superintendent Mary Whitrock says they are finally closing the gap on student achievement that the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted. She says they are closer to closing the gap that they had thought they would be at this point. She says they will be carefully monitoring their funding which could also affect closing the achievement gap. She points out federal funding from the pandemic made up for the biennial increases in funding from the state they didn’t receive, but they aren’t sure how that will impact their funding when the federal funds end.
Young Children And COVID Vaccine
A former member of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says if you’re considering getting your youngest children vaccinated against the coronavirus you should check with your health care provider first. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says they can answer questions for anyone with children 6 months to 5 years old about the vaccine, but more importantly whether the vaccine is available because it is slowly being supplied in the state. He feels getting vaccinated and booster shots are a good way to protect you against the virus and the most serious symptoms. Puhlmann-Becker says children may have a longer life span than we do and we don’t know yet the long term implications of COVID-19 for someone who contracts it.
Oshkosh GO Transit Closed Monday
The city of Oshkosh GO Transit bus service, and GO Plus Paratransit Services will not be operating on Monday, July 4th due to the city observance of the Independence Day holiday. GO Transit’s office will also be closed. Regular operations will resume on Tuesday, July 5th.
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