6/21/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday
21 June 2022 News
Additional Charges Brought Against Ripon Burglary Suspect
Nine additional charges were filed last week against a 52-year-old Ripon man already suspected of stealing a coin machine and prying open two arcade games at the Cobblestone Inn and Suites in Ripon last November. New charges brought against Jimie Neidlinger stem from a burglary at the Splish Splash Clothes Bath in Ripon also occurring last November. According to the criminal complaint a change machine was broke into after it was removed through a wall in the mechanical room behind it. The mechanical room door had been pried open. Video footage from a neighboring business showed a vehicle parked next to the room and audio picked up “metal and dragging” sounds. A witness allegedly spoke briefly to Neidlinger when he was in the parking lot. Neidlinger will make his initial appearance on the new charges in Fond du Lac County court on July 5th. He is charged with felony counts of burglary, criminal damage to property, theft and 6 misdemeanor counts of bail jumping.
FDL County Board Preview
The Fond du Lac County Board tonight will appoint a new chairperson. Current chairperson Sam Kaufman resigned from the board after winning the special election for County Executive on June 7th. He will call tonight’s meeting to order and chair it through the election of the new County Board chairperson. That person will then oversee the meeting beginning with the election of First Vice Chair and Second Vice Chairs if needed. Supervisors will also be considering a lease of farm land adjacent to the County Highway Department Facility as a future site for a new jail. The meeting is at 6 pm at the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac.
Vaccine Ambassadors Wanted
The Fond du Lac County Health Department and Fond du Lac Area United Way are taking the lead to implement a COVID-19 vaccine ambassador program. The training for vaccine ambassadors includes two parts: the first is an online self-paced course called Vaccine Ambassador Training: How to Talk to Parents. The second part of the training is in person, providing the opportunity to practice what was learned in the online course as well as time to ask a physician questions. The training is four hours and will be split into two sessions. The training will be launched next month. Individuals can call the county health department at 920-929-3085 with questions and can register for the program online.
Fond du Lac County Vaccine Ambassador Sign-Up Survey (surveymonkey.com)
Kaylee Mess Crowned FDL County Fairest Of The Fair

The 2022 Fond du Lac County Fairest of the Fair will be Kaylee Mess of Rosendale. Kaylee is the daughter of Austin and Debbie Mess and is currently a student at the University of Wisconsin Platteville, where she is majoring in Agriculture Education and Technology. Kaylee is hoping to be an Agriculture teacher and FFA Advisor. Kaylee is a longtime exhibitor of the Fond du Lac County Fair having been a member of the Busy Bees 4-H Club and Laconia FFA.
Waushara County Ramp Closures
The southbound I-39/County V ramps in Waushara County will be closed for construction from 5 am Thursday through 10 pm Friday. For the southbound I-39 exit ramp to County V, traffic will be detoured south to State Highway 21 Exit 124 for Coloma and west on State 21 to County V North. For the southbound I-39 entrance ramp at County V, traffic will be detoured south on County V and east on State Highway 21 to the southbound I-39 entrance ramp. The ramp closures are part of a resurfacing project that is scheduled for completion in late October.
Air America Bill Passed By Senate
The U.S. Senate last week unanimously passed the Air America Act introduced by Congressman Glenn Grothman and Senator Marco Rubio. Both bills are identical and will correct an inequity suffered by Americans who are former employees of Air America by ensuring they receive the federal retirement benefits and recognition they have earned. Grothman says Air America provided a vital service during the Vietnam War but it was a covert operation of the CIA so those who served with it did not receive the recognition or compensation they were due. Air America was brought to Grothman’s attention by Oshkosh resident Neil Hansen and the Air America Association.
Breakfast On The Farm Coming Up Sunday
Dodger Acres on Schmoldt Road in Rosendale will host the Envision Greater Fond du Lac Agri-Business Breakfast on the Farm this Sunday from 8 am to Noon. It’s a fifth generation family dairy farm with 185-cows. Kevin Madigan is one of the owners. Kevin says they invite everyone to join them for the breakfast. In addition to the large country breakfast there will be live music by Gary Cross, a local cheese tasting tent, a kiddie-tractor pull, Culver’s Custard, a petting zoo, a chance to see and learn about the robotic milking parlor, even a Lutheran Church Service at 9 am. Tickets for the Breakfast on the Farm are $9 in advance and $10 at the farm. Children 5 and under will eat for free. Advance tickets are available at the Envision offices in Fond du Lac, Bluemke’s Hardware Store in Rosendale and a number of banks. They are also available on the Envision website through their events tab.
Breakfast on the Farm (envisiongreaterfdl.com)
City Of Sculpture
Waupun Mayor Rohn Bishop says he wants to bring the “City of Sculpture” brand back to the city. He says the city adopted a new logo before he was elected to the Common Council and then as Mayor and he would like the city to be associated with its sculptures and one of the most famous outdoors statues of all the “End of the Trail” sculpture. He says there is a lot in Waupun that can be marketed and a lot of people come to the city just to see their outdoor art and statues. Bishop points out that the city does have its own flag which also incorporates the “End of the Trail” sculpture in it.
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