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  • 6/2/22 Wrong Way Driver Arrested On Interstate 41 In FDL County

6/2/22 Wrong Way Driver Arrested On Interstate 41 In FDL County

2 June 2022 News

The Fond du Lac County Communications Center was inundated with 911 calls early Thursday morning about a vehicle driving north in the southbound lanes of Interstate 41. Deputies located the vehicle south of US Highway 151 and a deputy’s attempt to get the driver’s attention with lights and sirens went unheeded. A Sheriff’s sergeant positioned his squad car in the left lane at I-41 and South Hickory Street and the wrong way driver slowed his vehicle but struck the front driver’s side of the squad. After that impact the suspect’s vehicle traveled partially into the median and stopped. The driver, a 61-year-old Manistee, Michigan man was taken into custody. His preliminary breath test registered a blood alcohol content four times over the legal limit. He thought he was almost home. He was arrested by the State Patrol for operating while intoxicated. The State Patrol is also investigating the squad car crash.

Sheriff’s Facebook post of dashboard cam video.

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