5/25/22 Folse Named Ripon College President
25 May 2022 News
The Ripon College Board of Trustees Tuesday announced the unanimous selection of Dr. Victoria Folse as the institution’s 14th president. Folse will be the first woman to be formally inaugurated as president of Ripon College in its 170 year history. She will officially assume the presidency in July. Folse, a respected scholar and administrator, brings to Ripon more than 30 years of experience in higher education and a long standing commitment to the liberal arts. In an introductory video posted on the College’s website she talked about the school’s commitment to the liberal art core. She has served as the director and endowed chair of the School of Nursing at Illinois Wesleyan University since 2009 and executive director of Counseling and Consultation Services since 2019. She also served as interim director of the School of Music and continues to teach and conduct research in the School of Nursing.
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