4/7/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday
7 April 2022 News
Wild Rose Man Charged For Incident In Ripon
A 39-year-old Wild Rose man is facing charges in Ripon for breaking another man’s nose Monday afternoon and resisting arrest when police tried to take him into custody. According to the criminal complaint police were called to a residence on Watson Street where the victim told officers that Aaron Herchenbach (pictured) had head-butted him in the face breaking his nose. That was later confirmed at the Ripon Community Hospital where the victim was treated for a broken nose and received several stitches. Police later caught up with Herchenbach who fled from an apartment onto Watson Street where he evaded police while he was being told a taser would be used on him. He gave up and was taken into custody. Herchenbach has three open cases in Fond du Lac County. Six charges are being referred against Herchenbach including three counts of bail jumping, substantial battery, resisting an officer, and disorderly conduct. Both Herchenbach and the victim had been drinking. Bond has been set at $5,000 cash.
Help Needed In Winnebago County Sheriff’s Investigation

Working with Michigan State Police the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office is asking people if they recognize a changing area or dressing room location. It is believed scenes depicted in photographs posted on the Sheriff’s Facebook page are from a location in Wisconsin or Upper Michigan. More information about the nature of the investigation will be released once the location is identified. Sheriff’s officials say the setting for the images could be from a community pool, aquatic center, campsite, waterpark, or similar venue. It appears people changing in the room were wearing swimsuits. Anyone with information about identifying the location can contact Winnebago County Sheriff’s Detective Lieutenant Chris Braman at 920-236-7370.
Wrong Way Driver Had Child In The Car
Washington County Sheriff’s officials says the 31-year-old South Milwaukee woman arrested Sunday night for driving north in the southbound lanes of Highway 45 was driving drunk with a 2-year-old child in the vehicle. When she was stopped a field sobriety test was administered and a preliminary breath test put her blood alcohol level (.268) at more than 3 times the legal limit. At some point a deputy observed her turn around and begin driving shoulder to shoulder. She was arrested for her first OWI with a child in the car, recklessly endangering safety, and open intoxicants. The child was turned over to a relative.
Survey Being Sent Out By MPTC
A survey being sent out randomly to 10,000 people will help Moraine Park Technical College determine if they will place a referendum on the November ballot. MPTC President Bonnie Baerwald says they have been working with a consultant on the college’s future business and industry needs. The college serves all or parts of 10 counties but primarily Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, and Washington counties. Baerwald says they have five possible projects with two in Fond du Lac for Trade and Manufacturing and Healthcare and Education focuses, one in Washington County that would focus on heavy advanced manufacturing, robotics and automation. There’s also a possibility of a firefighter/EMT training center near Beaver Dam and a potential regional center in Green Lake County. Those randomly selected for the survey should reply by April 25th.
Thrasher Lighting Project
The Thrasher Opera House in Green Lake will be improving its lighting system this spring or early this summer. Thrasher Executive Director Rachel Avery says they are building on the improvements they’ve made over the years and it is needed. She says last year they replaced some historical windows preserving the integrity of those original windows. She says the lighting project has taken a lot of planning with donor dollars. Avery notes it will not only enhance the audience’s experience but also upgrade their technical ability. The project will be handled by Lighthouse Productions.
Tornado Drills Today

Statewide Tornado Drills will be held twice today at 1:45 and 6:45 pm. Fond du Lac County Communications and Emergency Management Director Bobbi Hicken says that gives you a chance to practice or think about what you would do during the real event twice, once at work or school and later at home. She says everyone should put together a few days’ supplies for the real event in case power is cut off or access to the rest of the community. She says it is also a good idea to have a contact outside of your home that the rest of the family can connect with if they live elsewhere. Outdoor warning sirens will be sounded in Fond du Lac County during today’s drills. NOAA weather radios will be activated but there will not be any warnings issued through apps or the wireless emergency alerts. This is Severe Weather Awareness Week in Wisconsin.
Promotions At Envision Greater FDL

Envision Greater Fond du Lac recently promoted Tracy Qualmann (pictured) to Senior Director of Marketing and Communications and Joe Venhuizen to Senior Director of Membership and Programs. Envision President and CEO Sadie Vander Velde says, “These new appointments will allow both Tracy and Joe the opportunity to focus on tasks as outlined by our strategic plan.” She says both are strong, intergral members of their team. In Qualmann’s new role she will work on special projects to move the needle in both the Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development sides of Envision. While Venhuizen will increase his involvement with advocacy and government affairs.
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