4/21/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday
21 April 2022 News
FDL Stabbing Investigated
A 31-year-old Fond du Lac man has been charged with disorderly conduct and substantial battery for allegedly stabbing another man in the forehead with a kitchen knife. Michael Causey (pictured) posted a $1,000 cash bond after making his initial court appearance in Fond du Lac County court Wednesday. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 16th. According to the criminal complaint Causey confronted the victim, a 28-year-old Fond du Lac man, at the victim’s apartment in 300 block of North Peters Avenue Monday afternoon. Causey was upset because of a road rage incident the victim had with Causey’s wife in the parking lot of the apartment building. The two came to blows in the doorway of the victim’s apartment and the victim pulled Causey inside. Causey allegedly grabbed a knife in the victim’s kitchen and stabbed the victim above the right eye. The victim had the wound stitched closed at St. Agnes Hospital. (Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s photo)
Beaver Dam Man Sentenced To Prison
Dodge County Judge Martin De Vries Wednesday sentenced a 42-year-old Beaver Dam man with a history of belligerence towards law enforcement officers and of violating bond conditions to three years in prison and six years of extended supervision. After John Cowen completes his prison sentence he will be placed on probation for three years and was also ordered to pay $500 in fines. In late June of last year Cowen made over 80 calls to the Dodge County Communications Center directing sexual or threatening language toward communications officers. When he was arrested he tried to bite an officer and grabbed an officer’s genitals. In subsequent months there were repeated violations of bond conditions involving intoxication and more threats toward officers. District Attorney Kurt Klomberg says, “Intoxicated or not, the defendant is completely responsible for his behavior.”
FDL County Executive Candidate Getting To Know Department Heads
Fond du Lac County Board Chairperson Sam Kaufman says the late County Executive Allen Buechel put together a good staff and department heads and he doesn’t anticipate much change if he is elected County Executive. Kaufman will be the only candidate on the ballot for the June 7th special election. He says in his six years on the county board he has already worked with a number of department heads, but will spend more time getting to know them before the special election. He says there may be a few changes in direction or for the sake of efficiency, but he doesn’t anticipate a change in personnel. He has also requested that Director of Administration Erin Gerred, who is the Interim County Executive, to stay on if he is elected. He says she offers a wealth of knowledge and is extremely talented.
Dale Schmidt Running For Third Term As Dodge County Sheriff

Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt this week announced he is seeking a third term in office. In his announcement he says he’s proud of the progress his team has made at the sheriff’s office over the last 7-plus years and that there is still much to do. Schmidt has 21 years of experience in law enforcement including 18 years with the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office. He says he has budgeted conservatively and during the three-year span from 2018 to 2020 they have had some of the lowest numbers of traffic fatalities particularly from driving impaired in the County’s history. He says they were also able to close down two strip clubs that were directly involved in human trafficking, drug trafficking, rampant prostitution and more. The primary election if needed is August 9th and the general election November 8th
COVID Masking
A member of the now disbanded Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says he can understand why some of those who work in the transportation industry rejoiced over a judge’s decision to overturn a federal mask requirement for buses, airplanes, and trains. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says he recently viewed video of reaction to the court decision being announced on a plane. He says particularly on planes we’ve seen video of flight attendants and pilots being harassed and assaulted for enforcing the mandate. He says it is still up to municipalities whether to require masks and some cities will still require them on buses. Puhlmann-Becker says we have to be flexible though in case the pandemic ramps up again and masking is required.
Lifeguards Needed
Business and industry aren’t the only type of employers having a difficult time finding workers, municipalities are facing the same type of challenge. Envision Greater Fond du Lac President and CEO Sadie Vander Velde says she recently talked to some municipal leaders from across Fond du Lac County and learned that they could use some help particularly during the summer months for jobs that usually fall on teens and young people off from college. One big need is for 16 to 19-year-old lifeguards for municipal and county pools. She says if a teen would like to be a lifeguard but isn’t certified the municipality will see to it that they get the training they need.
No Mow May In Oshkosh
Registration is now open for property owners in Oshkosh who wish to participate in the No Mow May conservation initiative. The effort encourages people to stop mowing or mow less often during the month of May to create habitat and provide resources for bees and other early-season pollinators. Participation is voluntary and free of charge, but registration is required. The deadline is Friday, April 29th. Properties that have no registration will be subject to regular penalties for long grasses or weeds. Property owners can register through a link on the city’s website which can be accessed through the “Hot Topics” section.
City of Oshkosh – Register for NoMowMay!
MPTC EPD Field Day
Moraine Park Technical College will be highlighting the Electrical Power Distribution (EPD) career during their annual EPD Field Day Event next Thursday in Fond du Lac. The event allows prospective students to see the learning spaces, meet the faculty and participate in hands-on activities. High school seniors and those interested in starting a new career are encouraged to participate. It’s a one-year hands-on program in all phases of power line construction and maintenance. The median statewide salary for EPD is $69,196. Registration for the field day is required. The college will host two sessions, 7:30 to 10:30 am and 1 to 4 pm. To register for one of the sessions call 1-800-472-4554 and request to be added to the field day.
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