4/15/22 COVID 19 Report
15 April 2022 News
Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services Thursday confirmed 814 new COVID-19 cases moving the state past 1.4 million total cases since the pandemic began. The new cases were the most since February 22nd. Meanwhile the gap per 100,000 people who are fully vaccinated and are not who got the coronavirus is closing. Per 100,000 people who are fully vaccinated 196 get the virus versus 205.5 who are not. But the unvaccinated are still more likely to get hospitalized from COVID-19 and die. The DHS yesterday also reported 3 more deaths and 21 hospitalizations. The Wisconsin Hospital Association Thursday reported 148 COVID-19 patients in hospitals across the state with 33 in intensive care units.
Winnebago County reported 32 new COVID-19 cases Thursday as it moved past 44,000 (44,002) total cases during the pandemic. Fourteen new cases were recorded in Fond du Lac County. Dodge and Green Lake counties both had 6 new cases, but Dodge County also had 1 death. No new cases were reported in Waupaca County and Waushara County had 2 new cases as it approaches 5,000 (4,995) total cases during the global health crisis.
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