4/1/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday
1 April 2022 News
Second COVID 19 Vaccine Booster Shot Recommended
Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services is supporting the Food and Drug Administration’s authorization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s issuing of expanded eligibility for a second booster shot for those 50 years of age and older. That would be for those who got booster shots for the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. The DHS is also supporting the option of a second booster dose for certain immunocompromised people ages 12 and older. The CDC is also expanding eligibility for another booster dose for people ages 18 to 49 years old who are not moderately or severely immunocompromised and who received Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine as both their primary series dose and booster dose.
Allen Buechel Had The Whole Of FDL County Interests At Heart
Fond du Lac County Board Chairperson and Acting County Executive Marty Farrell says Ripon and in fact the entire county had a good friend in late County Executive Allen Buechel. He says he totally supported the $500,000 in ARPA funds from the county for development of a Boys & Girls Club in Ripon and major economic development incentive loans including to Alliance Laundry. Farrell says Buechel also attended Ripon Common Council meetings while a decision was being made to consolidate to county dispatching and pushed for the county to give $100,000 towards the Grace and Lloyd Mitchell Senior Activity Center and Trailhead Project. Farrell also points out that Buechel supported funding for projects in Waupun even though half of that city is located in Dodge County. Funeral services for Allen Buechel will be held in Fond du Lac tomorrow.
Election Protection
Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney urges voters who witness a violation of a Wisconsin election law or know of one that is planned to let his office or their local district attorney’s office know. He says injunctions can be filed to stop a planned violation or other appropriate legal action can be taken. He also urges any municipal clerks who have questions on the legality of any election-related activities to contact their local district attorney for guidance. Toney says many voters are concerned about ensuring all election laws are followed to protect our democratic process. The Spring Election is next Tuesday.
Gerritson Will Become Acting Fire Chief In FDL

Fond du Lac’s Police and Fire Commission took the first step Thursday in replacing Fire Chief Peter O’Leary when he retires on April 13th. They have named Assistant Chief Erick Gerritson Acting Chief effective April 14th. Commission officials will conduct a national search for a replacement. O’Leary has been with Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue for 13 years. He has been in the fire service since 1979 working as a firefighter in Wheaton and St. Charles, Illinois and as Fire Chief in Durham, New Hampshire before becoming Chief in Fond du Lac in 2009.
Unemployment Rates For February
Unemployment rates rose slightly in the state in February. For area counties that meant a one-tenth to three-tenths of a percent increase in jobless rates. According to Federal Labor statistics Winnebago County’s rate was 2.6 percent, it was 2.8 percent for Fond du Lac County, and 3 percent for Dodge County. The unemployment rate last month in Waupaca County was 3.4 percent; it was 4.3 percent in Waushara County, and 4.4 percent in Green Lake County. Rates for the same six counties in February of 2021 ranged from 4.1 percent to 6.5 percent. Jobless rates for last month in the cities of Fond du Lac and Oshkosh were at 2.5 percent.
Ballweg Explains New Law
Governor Tony Evers recently signed a bill authored by State Senator Joan Ballweg into law that makes the process of transferring farm implements and equipment after death more efficient. Ballweg says that ensures that the next generation of farmers in a farm family can continue their operations uninterrupted by a possible probate process. The new law allows farm implements and equipment to be transferred through a process called Transfer on Death or TOD (T-O-D). Through written designation of a beneficiary and witnesses, TOD can bypass the need for the court to get involved. The legislation was supported by 17 agriculture related associations across Wisconsin.
FDL Woman Recognized By Wisconsin Air National Guard

A Fond du Lac woman is among the Wisconsin Air National Guard’s Airmen of the Year. Master Sergeant Marta Darrow is a first sergeant with the 115th Fighter Wing’s Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and has been named First Sergeant of the Year. Darrow began her Wisconsin Air National Guard career as a firefighter with the 115th Civil Engineering Squadron, and the Fond du Lac resident has parlayed those skills into her current civilian job as a firefighter and paramedic with the Madison Fire Department. She has been a first sergeant since 2018. She says, “I was blessed to be chosen on my first attempt, as it can be a very competitive process.” She adds it has been incredibly rewarding, but not without its challenges. Four others have been recognized as outstanding Airmen of the Year.
Wisconsin Air Guard announces Outstanding Airmen of the Year – Wisconsin National Guard
Waupun Utilities Honored
Waupun Utilities has earned a Reliable Public Power Provider ® designation from the American Public Power Association for providing reliable and safe electric service. The designation, which lasts for three years, recognizes public power utilities that demonstrate proficiency in four key disciplines: reliability, safety, workforce development, and system improvement. Criteria include sound business practices and a utility-wide commitment to safe and reliable delivery of electricity. Waupun Utilities joins 275 public power utilities nationwide that hold the designation. Waupun Utilities General Manager Steve Brooks says they couldn’t be prouder to be honored with the designation. Waupun Utilities serves more than 4,000 customers.
Diabetes And Foot Problems
A podiatrist for SSM Health Ripon Community Hospital says they do quite a bit of work with diabetics. Dr. Molly Meier says overall they assess nerve damage and identify and assess foot health risks to come up with a long-term treatment and prevention plan. She says for diabetics’ high-blood sugar can cause nerve damage, pain, numbness, sores and deformity in the feet such as blisters and bunions. She recommends if you are diabetic to check your feet once a day and see a podiatrist at least once a year. She says if you have numbness or complications in your feet then you should see a podiatrist every 3 to 6 months. Other tips she has for diabetics to avoid problems with your feet is maintaining good blood sugar levels, wearing proper footwear, no smoking, no going barefoot and regular foot exams. If you would like to know more you can call 920-926-8282.
Artist Reception Saturday At The Thrasher Opera House

Green Lake’s historic Thrasher Opera House will host an artist reception Saturday from 5 to 7 pm featuring the works of local photographer Lea Cicchiello. The exhibit is entitled “Frozen Moments” and runs through April 30th. She says, “Where I grew up, winter meant rain and cloudy skies for months. When I moved to Wisconsin 16 years ago, I discovered another meaning of winter, and all the beauty that can come with it. I fell in love with the sunny-but-oh-so-cold days, with the way the snow shimmers on bright days, and with the many shapes of ice.” The reception is free and open to the public; a cash bar will be available.
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