3/18/22 Baby Theresa Developments
18 March 2022 News
Charges were brought Friday against the mother of Dodge County’s “Baby Theresa” the infant whose body was found in a garbage bag in a wooded area of the Town of Theresa in April of 2009. The 45-year-old Milwaukee woman is charged with concealing the death of a child. Karin Luttinen was released after paying a $2,500 cash bond. A DNA profile and changes in technology led investigators to Luttinen in 2021. According to the criminal complaint Luttinen had the baby in a bathtub. She says it may have had the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck. She did not hear the baby cry or see it move. She passed out and afterwards panicked. She placed the baby in a garbage bag, got in her car and “drove aimlessly.” When she stopped her vehicle she checked on the baby which wasn’t moving and its eyes were closed. Luttinen told investigators she didn’t say anything as she placed its body in the woods. The charge Luttinen faces carries penalties of up to 3 years and 6 months in prison, $10,000 in fines or both.
Authorities in Dodge County will hold a press conference at the Sheriff’s Department this afternoon to announce new developments in a 13-year-old cold case involving the discovery of a dead newborn baby. The baby, which has come to be known as “Baby Theresa,” was found in a garbage bag in a wooded section of the Town of Theresa in April of 2009. Dodge County’s Medical Examiner said the full-term infant had no trauma which could have caused her death and no drugs were found in her system. The state Crime Lab developed a D-N-A profile of the baby’s mother. At the time, Dodge County Sheriff’s investigators ran that profile through a national database of convicted felons and sex offenders but did not find a match. Authorities gave the infant a proper burial in the Lowell Cemetery in May of 2009. A number of community residents attended.
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