3/9/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
9 March 2022 News
FDL Man Suspected Of Attacking Police Officer Competent For Trial
The 44-year-old Fond du Lac man suspected of attacking a Fond du Lac Police officer has been found competent to stand trial. As a result a preliminary hearing has been scheduled in Fond du Lac County court for Jayson Keniston on March 25th. On January 13th police were called to the apartment building on East Merrill Avenue where Keniston lived after a neighbor reported he was trying to break down their door. Keniston allegedly assaulted the officer in a second floor hallway. The officer, a 4-year veteran of the police department, suffered a broken nose, fractured finger and other non-life threatening injuries. Keniston is charged with felony counts of battery to a law enforcement officer, resisting an officer, substantial battery, and 3 misdemeanor counts of disorderly conduct. He is being held in the County Jail on a $25,000 cash bond.
Dodge County Chase Suspect In Court
A 30-year-old Green Bay man who fled from Dodge County authorities last April has been charged with a felony count of fleeing and a misdemeanor count of resisting an officer. Omaha Tucker made his initial court appearance Monday. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for April 14th. According to the criminal complaint a Sheriff’s deputy responded to a report of a disabled vehicle on Highway 151 last April 14th. Tucker was asleep in the passenger’s seat, but the keys were in the ignition. When the deputy asked for an ID he jumped into the driver’s seat and started the car and took off. But the vehicle was a rental. Armed with that information and a recognizable tattoo on Tucker’s hand the Sheriff’s Office was able to locate and identify him.
Ripon Common Council Meeting Rescheduled For Tonight
Last night’s Ripon Common Council meeting was cancelled due to the lack of a quorum. It has been rescheduled for tonight at 7 pm and if that does not work city officials will try for Thursday night. Among the items the Council will consider is an amendment of the City’s face covering policy for city staff and public officials. Under new CDC guidelines when Fond du Lac County is designated with low or medium COVID-19 Community Levels the policy for city employees and public officials can be suspended. Currently Fond du Lac County’s Community Level for COVID-19 is low. The Council’s meeting will be in the Council Chambers at the Ripon City Hall.
Meeting About Rosendale Brandon Referendum Rescheduled
With the Laconia Girls High School Basketball Team playing in a semi-final round of the State Championship Tournament in Green Bay tomorrow night the first information session for the Rosendale-Brandon Schools referendum has been rescheduled. District Superintendent Wayne Weber says that session at the Rosendale Intermediate School has been rescheduled for Monday, March 28th at 6:30 pm. The other two meetings will be next Monday night at Brandon Elementary and Tuesday, March 22nd at Laconia High School. Both of those meetings will be at 6:30 pm as well. Weber says tours of the schools will follow those meetings. Next month voters in the Rosendale-Brandon School District will be asked to pass a $29.7 million schools renovation and addition referendum.
Turning The Page On COVID
A member of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says we will never be able to fully turn the page on COVID-19. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says we seem to be coming to the end of current surge of the Omicron variant and maybe the serious threat from COVID. He says in a way the hope that we have is the same as it was when a vaccine first became available. But he says health experts maybe right about COVID not completely going away becoming something that we may need to be vaccinated for from time-to-time taking its place with the flu as an annual health threat.
Ripon Schools Distinguished Alumni Award
Ripon Area Schools Superintendent Mary Whitrock invites the community to submit nominations for its 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award. To be eligible for nomination, an individual must have graduated from Ripon High School at least ten years ago and have distinguished themselves through career and/or community involvement. A nomination form is available online and should be completed by Friday, April 1st. Whitrock says there are a lot of deserving alumni out there and one way to recognize them is to nominate them for the award. The award recipient will be recognized during the Homecoming celebration in the fall. A plaque with the portrait and a brief biography of the award recipient is hung in a permanent display at Ripon High School. For more information call the Ripon High School Student Services Office at 920-748-4637.
Ripon Area School District Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form 2022 (google.com)
Oshkosh Street Closure
Two sections of High Avenue between Osceola Street and Vine Avenue in Oshkosh will be closed to thru traffic starting next Monday for sanitary, water main, and storm sewer construction. Algoma Boulevard from Osceola Street and West New York Avenue will temporarily have two-way traffic for access during the closure. This phase of construction is anticipated to last about three weeks. The closure is required to complete the work within the road right-of-way in a safe manner for both the City’s contractor’s employees and the traveling public. Signs have been posted in advance of the closure to notify motorists of the roadway closure. There will be designated detour routes.
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