3/4/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Friday
4 March 2022 News
Hintz Not Seeking Another Term In The State Assembly
State Representative Gordon Hintz (pictured) of Oshkosh announced Thursday he won’t be seeking another term in office this fall. He announced it on Twitter saying, “It’s been a great honor to represent the people of Oshkosh in the Wisconsin State Assembly the past 15 years.” He went on to say he is proud of his accomplishments but disappointed by many of the decisions that were made or failed to be made. Hintz says he hasn’t made any decisions about his future but is looking forward to the next challenge. He was first elected to the Assembly in 2006 and was re-elected for his eighth term for the 2021-2022 Legislative Session.
Markesan Man Facing Charges For Dodge County Vehicle Chase
A 38-year-old Markesan man is facing a felony fleeing charge and two misdemeanors for a vehicle chase in Dodge County last June that approached speeds of 115 miles an hour. Lomira Police terminated the chase after 10 miles and Rolandas Banys was arrested two weeks later during a traffic stop in Washington County. He was driving a different vehicle at the time, but an acquaintance showed up at the scene in the vehicle involved in the chase with Lomira Police. The acquaintance told authorities they were driving during the pursuit but Banys switched seats because he didn’t feel the acquaintance was driving fast enough. Banys made his initial appearance in Dodge County court this week. Bond was set at $5,000 cash and he has a preliminary hearing on March 17th.
School Masking Policy
For students and staff in the Ripon Area School District wearing face coverings to protect themselves against the COVID-19 virus is now optional. District Superintendent Mary Whitrock says they may be one of the last school districts in the area to go with an optional policy rather than making it mandatory, but they’ve been carefully monitoring their numbers which have been on the decline when it comes to those who have tested positive for the virus. She says it is nice to see those smiling faces once again. She also notes in addition students are no longer required to wear a mask on school buses. A TSA mandate for public transportation does not apply to public or private schools, including early care and education/child care programs.
Numbers Of New COVID Cases Slowing
Barring another surge the COVID-19 pandemic is showing signs of slowing down. Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker has been tracking the number of new national and state cases over the past two years. He says the number of new daily cases nationally is starting to approach a level that hasn’t been this low since last summer. CDC guidelines have as a result loosened regarding the wearing of face masks. Puhlmann-Becker says a friend of his who is a doctor serves on a task force with him. He says that friend says as horrible as the Omicron variant has been on the country and the world it may have given us the push we needed to get more people vaccinated and move us closer to herd immunity.
New DNR Fisheries Management Team Members
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Management Bureau welcomed fisheries biologists Margaret Stadig and Angelo Cozzola to the Lake Winnebago System fisheries management team during the sturgeon spearing season. Stadig will focus primarily on managing the iconic Lake Winnebago System lake sturgeon population. She is a Michigan native and has extensive experience working with large primitive fish species. Angelo Cozzola will focus primarily on managing the highly sought-after walleye, as well as northern pike, musky and other popular game fish on the Winnebago system. Cozzola was a DNR fisheries technician based in Oshkosh.
RAFD Chicken BBQ Sunday

The Ripon Area Fire District will hold their annual Chicken BBQ this Sunday at the fire station in Ripon. It’s located at 515 Aspen Street. Hours are 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. It is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the department and allows them to purchase equipment that isn’t budgeted for. Tickets are $11 in advance and $12 at the door. Children under 10 can eat free. You can eat in, drive through, carry out or have it delivered. For delivery call 920-745-2262. Phone orders will be accepted Saturday from 9 to 11 am and Sunday from 9 am to Noon. Advanced tickets are available at the fire station today from 9 am to 3 pm or from any Fire Department member, at ACE Hardware, Webster’s, and other businesses around town.
Ag Showcase In FDL Saturday

Envision Greater Fond du Lac’s Agri-Business Council will present the 2022 Agriculture Showcase tomorrow at the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds Expo Building in Fond du Lac. Envision Director of Agricultural Programs Amy Ries says there will be panel discussions, cooking demonstrations and at noon a Kiddie Pedal Tractor Pull. There will be additional activities for kids in the Kids Area and for adults there is wine and beer tasting and cheese and sausage sampling. Ries says if you purchase an ice cream sundae proceeds will benefit the AG in the classroom program. There is a $5 cost to get in but kids 10 and under will be admitted free. Hours for the Agriculture Showcase are from 9 am to 2 pm.
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