3/30/22 Howard Hansen Running For Ripon Common Council
30 March 2022 News
Ripon Common Council Alderman Howard Hansen says he would like to be reelected to a fourth term in office to see some projects through that began during his time with the council. Hansen is one of the representatives for District 3. He serves on the Council’s Parks and Recreation Committee and the Fire District Board. He says he’s always had a passion for work connected with Parks and Recreation. He feels if you have good parks and schools it will attract people to the community. He says he’s pleased the Council approved doing a master plan for the parks and feels the Grace and Lloyd Mitchell Senior Activity Center and Trailhead project once they are completed will be showcases for the community. Hansen says street improvement projects will always be dependent on available funding and will take time. He also believes housing development is important if the community is going to grow and attract more business and workers. Hansen is being challenged by former Alderwoman Annette Klein for the District 3 seat.
To hear an interview with Howard Hansen click here.
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