3/28/22 Timothy Bachleitner Running For The FDL County Board
28 March 2022 News
Fond du Lac County Board candidate Timothy Bachleitner says the county does a pretty good job with potholes, parks, and plowing the roads but it needs to step up on some issues that trickle down from the state and federal government. The Ripon businessman is running for the District 1 seat on the board that incumbent Marty Farrell is retiring from. Bachleitner says the pandemic caused his family great distress because they could see how it hurt businesses and families. He says his decision to run for the board was based on the fact that local, state and government officials continued to make COVID-19 related decisions hurting families and businesses. He felt the only way to change that was to attend meetings or run for office to voice their concerns. He points out District Attorney Eric Toney and Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt successfully stood up to the Governor’s second mandate during the pandemic which ultimately the courts ruled the Governor didn’t have the power to do. He says that’s one example of how things can be changed at the county level. Bachleitner also feels the county has to be careful how it distributes the America Rescue Plan Act funds because it is taxpayer money and comes with strings attached. He faces Kat Griffith in the April 5th election.
To hear an interview with Timothy Bachleitner click here.
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