3/23/22 Kat Griffith Running For FDL County Board
23 March 2022 News
Kat Griffith says she hadn’t planned on running for the Fond du Lac County Board but felt that the one candidate who was running for the District 1 seat didn’t represent her interests. She consulted about the time commitment with the current incumbent Marty Farrell and found she had an interest in it. Among the issues she says will challenge the county in the coming years is the need for a new jail. The former teacher in the Ripon Area School District says they need to consider programs that will help reduce the recidivism rates and address those who come in with addictions. Griffith also helped found and served on the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force and learned about the importance of networking particularly in unforeseen emergencies. She says she would like to make sure the county is well-prepared. She would also like to see the county become more welcoming in its diversity and practice environmentalism where it can. She will face Timothy Bachleitner in the April 5th election.
To hear an interview with Kat Griffith click here.
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