3/23/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
23 March 2022 News
Ripon Sex Offender Facing New Charges
Bond was set at $50,000 cash for a 49-year-old sex offender from Ripon facing 10 new child pornography possession charges. Daniel Mattson made his initial appearance in Fond du Lac County court yesterday on the new charges which stem from an investigation in Ripon in February. Seven images and three videos of children in sexually explicit poses and involved in sexual activity were allegedly found on a tablet belonging to Mattson. He was convicted of three counts of possessing child pornography in January of 2017 and was sentenced to 5 years in prison and 10 years of extended supervision. His supervision was revoked last week and he was sent back to prison on the previous charges. A preliminary hearing has been scheduled on the new charges for May 19th.
COVID 19 Report Tuesday
The 7-day rolling average for new cases of COVID-19 was down slightly Tuesday to 331 cases a day. Meanwhile the positivity rate now stands at 2.7 percent. Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services has reported 12,561 total deaths since the pandemic began. The Wisconsin Hospital Association Tuesday reported 235 hospitalizations across the state due to COVID 19 with 41 of those patients in intensive care units.
Winnebago County reported 12 new cases of the coronavirus Tuesday. One new case was reported in Fond du Lac County and Dodge County reported 4 new cases and 1 death.
Green Lake COVID Testing Site Discontinued
Green Lake County Health Department officials say they were notified Tuesday morning that the ThedaCare Mobile Unit will no longer be offering testing at the American Legion in Green Lake on Fridays, beginning this week. They encourage anyone experiencing symptoms to contact their healthcare provider for testing options. A second round of home tests can also be ordered online from the Federal Government. The state’s Department of Health Services’ website also has more information on community testing site locations.
Jefferson County Bird Flu
State Agricultural officials are continuing to work with local, state and federal partners on how to handle a Jefferson County poultry farm infected by highly pathogenic avian influenza. According to the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection the birds will be composted because composting is the most efficient and environmentally responsible method for disposal of bird carcasses. Measures will be taken to ensure that the decomposed materials are not a threat to contaminate groundwater. The producer owns the compost site that was selected.
Johnson Voted Against Omnibus Spending Bill
Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson voted against the $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package. The federal lawmaker from Oshkosh says it was over 2,700 pages long and no one had time to read it. He says it also contained close to $10 billion in earmarks. Johnson says we recently learned inflation hit a forty-year high at 7.9 percent wiping out gains and making life more difficult. He also points out we are already $30 trillion in debt. He says the bill did fund many important priorities including nearly $14 billion in Ukrainian Aid but he simply could not support such a dysfunctional and harmful process. President Biden signed the spending bill into law last week.
Rosendale Brandon Referendum
Rosendale-Brandon Schools Superintendent Wayne Weber says their students have done well both academically and athletically with the facilities they have, but many community members feel they deserve better. He says that has been expressed to him and the school board over the years and that’s why a facilities advisory committee recommended putting a referendum before voters to improve and renovate school facilities. He says there is something also to be said about efforts to retain both staff and students. The $29.7 million referendum will go before voters on April 5th. Information sessions have been held at the Brandon Elementary School and Laconia High School. A third and final session will be held next Monday night at 6:30 at the Rosendale Intermediate School.
Tax Scams
With the tax season coming to a close the Berlin Police Department is reminding residents that it is a prime time for scams. They advise being aware that scammers will use phone calls and emails to scam victims posing as representatives of the IRS. The unsolicited phone call or email is sent in hopes of stealing money or personal identifying information. The IRS supplies these signs of a tax scam. The caller demands immediate payment using a specific payment method such as a prepaid debit card, gift card, or wire transfer. The IRS would mail a bill to any taxpayer who owes taxes. The caller threatens to immediately bring in local police or other law enforcement to arrest you for not paying. The caller demands that taxes be paid without giving taxpayers the opportunity to question or appeal the amount owed. A scammer may also call unexpectedly about a tax refund.
FDL County Clean Sweep Program
Fond du Lac County will host a Clean Sweep program on Saturday May 21st from 9 am to noon at the County Highway Shop in Fond du Lac. The shop is located at 1820 South Hickory Street. Many common items such as automotive products, household cleaners, pesticides and home improvement products are hazardous when used, stored or disposed of improperly. The clean sweep event is a great way to dispose of items in a safe and environmentally responsible way. Households and farms can participate by paying a $5 fee. Businesses have to pay for waste disposal. Discounted rates may apply. No electronics will be accepted. For lists of what will and will not be accepted visit the county’s website.
Hazardous Waste Clean Sweep | Fond du Lac County (wi.gov)
Oshkosh Yard Waste Drop Off Center Hours
Seasonal hours of operation for the City of Oshkosh yard waste drop off center will go into effect April 1st. The operating hours will be from 11 am to 7 pm, Monday through Friday, and 10 am to 6 pm on Saturday and Sunday. The yard waste drop-off center is closed on city holidays, including Good Friday. Permits are required to use the drop off center. The cost of a single vehicle permit for a City of Oshkosh resident is $25, the cost to a non-resident including the Townships of Algoma, Black Wolf, Nekimi, Oshkosh and Vinland is $125. Permits are valid from January 1st to December 31st of the year issued. Permits can be purchased at the Collections counter at City Hall, or Kitz and Pfeil Ace Hardware on North Main Street.
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