3/2/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
2 March 2022 News
Information Sought On Pursuit Suspect
The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office is trying to locate a vehicle that led deputies on a pursuit Monday. A deputy tried to pull over the gray sedan, possibly a Honda Civic or similar make, for a speeding violation but the driver refused to stop. Sheriff’s officials say a white garbage bag covered the rear driver’s side window. The driver was a black man. Anyone with information regarding the incident or knowledge about the vehicle or driver is asked to contact the Sheriff’s Office at 920-929-3390. If you wish to remain anonymous you can leave a tip at 920-906-4777. A photo of the suspect’s vehicle can be seen on the Sheriff’s Facebook page.
Fire Call At Waupun School

The Waupun Fire Department responded to the Waupun Area Junior/Senior High School Tuesday afternoon for a fire in a dust collector. When firefighters arrived smoke was coming from the dust collector outside the wood shop. Students had been evacuated from the shop and the fire was quickly knocked down. While crews continued to do overhaul and ventilate the area they discovered light smoke coming from a drum sander machine in the shop. A fire was smoldering within the equipment and that fire was extinguished. Damage was contained to the two pieces of equipment. It is believed the fire originated in the drum sander. No one was hurt during the incident. The time of the fire call was 3:35 pm.
Letter Calls Into Question Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office Practice
Waupaca County Sheriff Timothy Wilz feels things got blown out of proportion with a letter sent out by District Attorney Veronica Isherwood. She sent the letter out to district attorneys after Wilz testimony in a hearing. The testimony put the blame on the Sheriff’s Office, when it came to them admitting that a captain altered a report omitting details potentially helpful to the defendant and their case. According to the DA the sheriff admitted during testimony it was a typical practice. However, in a media interview the Sheriff said under the department’s policy they are allowed to correct deputies’ reports before submitting them to the DA. The DA felt because the practice might violate Brady standards it was her obligation to notify district attorneys. The letter was sent out to 79 district attorneys. During the case in question Waupaca County Judge Ray Huber did find that there was a Brady violation. District attorneys are legally obligated to inform defense attorneys when an officer is found to have lied or has been untruthful about something in a case. That’s known as a Brady violation.
Columbia County Roadside Fight
Three Milwaukee teens have been charged in Columbia County for a fight on Highway 16 near Industrial Drive in the Town of Lewiston Sunday evening. A passerby called the Sheriff’s Communication Center about 5 or 6 people fighting on the roadway. Deputies responded and located two of the people. They learned the group was traveling together in a vehicle and it stopped during an argument. A man with the group displayed a handgun. A deputy located the other four in the Town of Caledonia and during the investigation a 9 millimeter handgun was recovered. As a result of the investigation a 17-year-old girl and 15-year-old boy are facing concealed weapon and weapon possession charges and in addition the boy is facing a disorderly conduct charge. A 16-year-old boy was referred to juvenile authorities on a marijuana possession charge.
Ripon Common Council Notes
The Ripon Common Council approved several action items during Monday night’s meeting. They got a report from Dan Williams of Strategic Management Consulting about the Ripon Guardian Ambulance Service. Among the recommendations Williams made was to hire a second full-time staff member or assistant director. It’s a recommendation the Council will consider. The Council also approved an updating of the City’s investment policy one of the first tasks that new Finance Director and Assistant City Administrator Amanda Toney was given. The Council also gave approval to submission of a WEDC Community Development Investment Grant application for the redevelopment of the American House property at 230 Watson Street. The City had already approved a Development Agreement with Greystone Ventures for the property.
Ballweg On Election Integrity Bills
When the State Senate returns to session next week it will take up bills having to do with election integrity. State Senator Joan Ballweg says there are 12 bills and a lot of them have to do with common sense when it comes to elections, but a few have already inspired debate. She says the State Elections Commission took some liberties with the law when it comes to providing people with absentee ballots who are definitely confined. She says those ballots should be for people who are actually confined and not those who just don’t want to go to the polls or don’t want to deal with getting a regular absentee ballot. She says another bill would provide training for special voting deputies who would help out residents who are confined to a nursing home with the voting process but not influence who they vote for. Ballweg says it is likely Governor Evers will veto most of the bills.
Emergency Car Kit
The Captain of Operations for the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office says it is good to have an emergency kit for your car no matter what time of year it is. Bill Tadych says you should be prepared for the winter starting in early November and equip your kit with things you might need if you go off the road or get stranded. He recommends blankets, shovels, some de-icer, an extra charger for your cell phone. He also suggests including flash lights, food and water. Tadych says in this area you probably won’t have to wait too long to get help if you go off the road, but says you should prepare for the worst and hope for the best when it comes to an emergency.
Ag Showcase Saturday In FDL

Envision Greater Fond du Lac’s Agri-Business Council will present the 2022 Agriculture Showcase this Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm at the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds Expo Building in Fond du Lac. Envision Director of Agricultural Programs Amy Ries says for those attending the showcase it is an opportunity to learn more about what producers put out there and why they are so passionate about it. There will be panel discussion and presentations at 10 and 10:30 am, followed by cooking demonstrations from Annie’s Fountain City Café at 11 am and Katie’s Kitchen on Cooking with Epicure at 11:30 am. At noon there is the Kiddie Pedal Tractor Pull followed by cooking demonstrations from Annie’s and Katie’s at 1 and 1:30 pm. Ries says in addition to the Kiddie Pedal Tractor Pull there are all kinds of activities for kids in the Kids Area and for adults there is wine and beer tasting in addition to cheese and sausage sampling. There is a $5 cost to get in but kids 10 and under will be admitted free.
Alliance Laundry Systems Scholarships
Alliance Laundry Systems has established 5 new scholarships to support and encourage the next generation of exceptional talent. Three scholarships of $2,000 each are available for graduating high school seniors who are children of U.S.-based Alliance Laundry Systems employees. Complete details and scholarship applications are available online at the Fox River Scholarship Center. Applications are due March 31st. Two scholarships of $1,500 each are available for any graduating Ripon High School student. Ripon, Wisconsin has been home to Alliance Laundry Systems’ largest manufacturing facility for over 110 years. These scholarships are administered through the Ripon Area Education Foundation.
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