3/16/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
16 March 2022 News
Former FDL Woman Sentenced In Infant’s Death
A former Fond du Lac woman has been sentenced to 796 days in prison and 20 years of extended supervision for the death of her two-month-old child in June of 2018. Twenty-eight-year-old Shauntina Fuller-Pankey of Milwaukee was sentenced in Fond du Lac County court Tuesday on a first-degree reckless homicide charge. According to the criminal complaint Rehloari Pankey-Brown suffered a skull fracture on June 25th of 2018. An autopsy found the cause of death was due to “blunt force injury” to the head. The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office told the detectives that type of injury wasn’t accidental. Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney says, “The death of an infant is heartbreaking and even more so when the child’s mother is responsible.”
Oshkosh Phone Scam
Oshkosh Police are investigating a phone scam that uses a police charity to try to bilk people out of their money. The police office got a call from a resident who received a phone call from someone claiming to be with the Oshkosh Police Benevolent Association. The caller requested a donation, then demanded money and got verbally aggressive. The Benevolent Association is a legitimate charity, but officers do not call residents to solicit money. Police ask that if you get a phone call like that to call the department at 920-236-5700 to report it. Anyone with information about the incident who wishes to remain anonymous can call the Winnebago County Crime Stoppers at 920-231-8477.
Rosendale Brandon Referendum Based In Part On Community Input
The $29.7 million renovation and addition referendum the Rosendale-Brandon School District is putting before voters April 5th was based on community input. District Superintendent Wayne Weber says the referendum is based in part on a survey which came after tours of other schools by school board and community members and their input afterward. The base question for an addition at the high school and improvements to elementary schools in Brandon and Rosendale is for $29 million. Of the four options for add-ons those who took the survey showed the most support for improving the agriculture and technical education areas. That option added $787,000 to the base amount of $29 million. An information meeting was held at the Brandon Elementary School Monday night. Two other meetings are scheduled at the Laconia High School next Tuesday night and at the Rosendale Intermediate School on Monday, March 28th. Both of those meetings will start at 6:30 pm.
Drop Boxes Can Not Be Used For Return Of Absentee Ballots
Voters in Oshkosh can no longer use the drop box at City Hall to return their absentee ballots. Absentee ballots must be returned by other methods in order to be counted for the April 5th Spring Election. Absentee ballots must be submitted directly by the voter and not by another individual, except as explicitly allowed by law. The voter may return their ballot to the City Clerk’s office on the first floor of the Oshkosh City Hall between the hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, to their polling place on Election Day; or sent through the United State Mail. If mailing, voters are advised to allow sufficient time for the delivery of ballots to the City Clerk’s office by Election Day.
Applications Due For Winnebago County DA
Friday is the deadline for those interested in applying for Winnebago County District Attorney. Governor Tony Evers is seeking applicants for the position which current District Attorney Christian Gossett is resigning from effective May 7th. The new district attorney will serve the remainder of Gossett’s term that ends in January of 2025. To apply you must email a completed application form and supporting materials to GovDAapp@wisconsin.gov by 5 pm Friday. The application is available on the “Apply to Serve” page of Governor Evers’ website. Those with questions can call 608-266-1212.
Official site of Governor Tony Evers (wi.gov)
Fox Cities Employment Fair
The Fox Cities Employment Fair will be held on Thursday, March 24th from 1 to 4 pm at the Fox Cities Exhibition Center. A total of 113 employers from across the region will feature a wide mix of available positions including office, service, manufacturing, healthcare, and other professional positions. Job seekers are encouraged to dress nicely and bring resumes. A complete list of all current employers registered can be found on the Fox Valley Workforce Development Board web site. The job fair marks the first held in person in the Fox Cities since the start of the pandemic.
Early Detection Key For Cancer Treatment
A radiation oncologist with SSM Health’s Cancer Care Center in Fond du Lac says early detection is key when it comes to forms of cancer especially lung cancer. Dr. Filip Troicki says being diagnosed with lung cancer used to be a death sentence, but that is no longer the case if it is found early enough. They offer lung CT scans for long-term smokers at the center. The screenings are offered once a year to long-term smokers who meet certain criteria. Dr. Troicki says caught early lung cancer is very treatable. As for those who receive a cancer diagnosis he says it is still awful news to hear so he advises collect your thoughts and know that you will be well taken care of if you go through the Cancer Care Center.
Envision Greater FDL Hosting Candidates Forum
Next Tuesday Envision Greater Fond du Lac will host a candidates’ forum in the legislative chambers of the Fond du Lac City-County Government Center. The first-hour from 6 to 7 pm will feature candidates for the Fond du Lac City Council and the second hour from 7 to 8 pm candidates for contested seats on the Fond du Lac County Board of Supervisors. Envision President and CEO Sadie Parafiniuk says the questions will be business and economic development-related. Among the County Board candidates are Timothy Bachleitner and Kat Griffith who are both running for the District 1 seat , which represents portions of the Town of Ripon and City of Ripon. The winner of that race will succeed Marty Farrell who has served more than 28 years on the board. He is the current County Board Chairman and Parafiniuk says he has served on both the Fond du Lac Economic Development Corporation Board and Envision Greater Fond du Lac Board of Directors. The forum will be carried on Spectrum Cable Channel 980.
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