3/15/22 Doug Iverson Running For Ripon Common Council
15 March 2022 News
Ripon attorney Doug Iverson is hoping to get back on the City’s Common Council during the April 5th election. Iverson, who served on the Council from 2016 to 2020, is running for a seat representing District 4. He has also served on the Ripon Library Board and Plan Commission. Iverson says the City has some real challenges ahead of it including for its water utility. He says two wells need to be replaced or rehabilitated and a water line is substandard. He feels the City should have gone with the 16 percent rate increase it was considering years ago, but the Council tabled it which could mean a substantial increase in the future to pay for costs. Iverson says the City also has to come up with alternative revenue forms because shared revenue from the state continues to decrease. He says otherwise it all goes on the backs of property taxpayers. He would also like to see the relationship between department heads and the Council improved. Those who would like to know more can call him at 920-509-4618 or can email him at ripondoug@gmail.com. He faces Mike Boscaljon in the April election.
To hear an interview with Doug Iverson click here.
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