3/1/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday
1 March 2022 News
FDL County Low COVID 19 Transmission Level
Under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated recommended indicators Fond du Lac County is now considered to be at a Low COVID-19 Community Level. County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says it is exciting news and the change will be reflected on the County’s COVID-19 Dashboard. Masks are not recommended in Low or Medium COVID-19 Community Levels. Those who are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe disease are encouraged to talk with their health care providers about COVID-19 prevention strategies. Public libraries in Brandon, Campbellsport, Fond du Lac, Oakfied, Ripon, North Fond du Lac and Waupun have free N95 masks while supplies last. They are also available at the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac.
School Masking Requirement Clarified
The Ripon Area School District last week switched to giving all students and staff the option on wearing face masks. Monday District Superintendent Mary Whitrock notified the parents of students about the new CDC revised guidance for COVID-19 indoor masking which will no longer be universally recommended for K-12 schools and early education settings in areas with a low or medium COVID-19 Community Level. As for school busing the TSA mandate for public transportation does not apply to public or private schools, including early care and education/child care programs. Fond du Lac County is in the low COVID-19 Community Level.
Ripon Common Council Approves Two Alternate Bids For Trailhead Project
The Ripon Common Council approved two alternate bids Monday night for the Grace and Lloyd Mitchell Senior Activity Center and Trailhead Project. Last month the Council approved a base bid of nearly $2 million for construction of the center but was waiting on word about a $1.2 million grant from the state for costs associated with the trailhead, which it expected to hear about last week. However, City Administrator Adam Sonntag says the state is dribbling out news about the grant awards from the $140 million it has to award them. The City of Ripon didn’t hear anything. So the Council last night approved two of the alternate six bids, which would pay for two trail connections and paving or crushed aggregate base needed for them. The City will use a $100,000 grant from Fond du Lac County to pay for the nearly $106,000 in items connected with those bids. Meanwhile Harmony Construction will hold the pricing on the remaining alternate bids while the City waits for word on the state grant.
Budget Projects May Be Rosy
State Senator Joan Ballweg says the Governor was a little premature in his State-of-The-State Address in talking about spending a $3.8 billion surplus in the state budget. That included plans to send everyone in the state a $150 check. Ballweg says you have to remember that is a projection and one that was for the end of the biennium in June of 2023. She says with the state of the world being what it is that projection might be a little rosy especially with the current inflation. She says the war between Russia and the Ukraine is already impacting gasoline and oil prices. The state lawmaker from Markesan says you have to remember that in addition to fuel prices farmers have to pay for fertilizer for their fields which are also petroleum-based. She also points out that the Ukraine is known for being the bread basket of Europe because of its wheat crops, which could also drive up the price of wheat.
Information Session On New FDL County Aging Division
The Ripon Senior Activity Center will host an information session this afternoon at 1 pm about Fond du Lac County’s plan to fold its Senior Services Department and Aging and Disabilities Resource Center into a new Aging Division under the Social Services Department umbrella. Senior Center Executive Director Noreen Johnson says most of the counties in the state are already using the model. She says the county will save money by eliminating the Director of Senior Services position, but also create one-stop shopping for those services making it more convenient for older residents with questions. Information sessions will also be held at the Campbellsport Library Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 pm and at the Fond du Lac Senior Center at 10 am Thursday morning.
Wearin’ & $harin’ Ticket Purchase Deadline Wednesday
The Boy & Girls Club of the Tri-County Area will stage their Wearin’ & $harin’ The Green event at the Heidel House Resort and Conference Center in Green Lake on Saturday, March 12th. But the deadline for purchasing tickets to the gala event is Wednesday. Ashley Bartol of the Club says it will have a fairy tale or royal ball type of feel to it with the “Once Upon a Time” theme. Tickets are $100 each which includes the dinner, the live and silent auctions, and the afterglow party with music by Boombox. Among the auction items are two tickets to see Elton John’s Farewell Tour in Milwaukee in April with a package for an overnight stay. Tickets for Wearin’ & $harin are available on the Club’s website.
Wearin and Sharin The Green | The Boys and Girls Club Tri-County Area
Sturgeon Season Wrap Up

Water clarity again came into play during the 2022 sturgeon spearing season. DNR officials say the 10.7-foot average water clarity contributed to the season’s success. Although water clarity was not great and harvest caps were not met on Lake Winnebago, the Lake Winnebago success rate was close to average at 9.5 percent. Scott Bunde of the DNR’s Wautoma Office worked the registration stations. He says water clarity did prolong the season to all 16 days. He says on the other hand ice conditions were manageable. Altogether 1,518 fish were harvested on Lake Winnebago and the Upriver Lakes and 88 of them weighed 100 pounds or more.
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