2/3/22 COVID 19 Report Wednesday
3 February 2022 News
New COVID-19 cases may be declining in Wisconsin, but all 72 counties still have “critically high” levels of the coronavirus activity for a fourth straight week. The state’s Department of Health Services says unlike the past three weeks none of the counties have seen an increase in the number of new cases over the past two weeks. Green Lake County is among five counties that saw no significant difference in cases over the past two weeks. The remaining 67 counties all saw case numbers shrink. Wednesday the DHS reported 4,916 new cases of COVID, 47 deaths, and 371 hospitalizations.
Winnebago County yesterday reported 152 new COVID-19 cases. One-hundred and thirty-two (132) new cases were recorded in both Dodge and Fond du Lac counties. Fond du Lac County also had 2 deaths. Green Lake County had 18 new cases, Waupaca County had 47 new cases, and Waushara County had 19 new cases and 1 death.
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