2/4/22 Fire Reported In Green Lake
4 February 2022 News
More details have been released about a fire that caused significant damage to the Dartford Inn in Green Lake Thursday night. The Green Lake County 911 Dispatch Center got a call at 11:42 pm about a fire at the Inn at N6264 North Lawson Driver in the Town of Brooklyn. Fire departments, EMS and law enforcement were paged. When they arrived a large portion of the building was on fire. Flames were visible and there was a large quantity of smoke. Occupants of the Inn had evacuated before emergency responders arrived. Law enforcement and the Red Cross assisted the displaced residents. The Sheriff’s Department and Wisconsin Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigations are investigating the fire although a lieutenant with the Green Lake/Town of Brooklyn Fire Department said the fire was not considered suspicious. The Green Lake/Town of Brooklyn firefighters were assisted at the scene by fire departments from Berlin, Ripon, Markesan, Princeton, Brandon-Fairwater, Montello, Poy Sippi, Redgranite, and Omro. Fire departments were on the scene for about 8 hours.
A fire was reported in Green Lake Thursday night. Officials got a call around 11:30 pm. The fire was at the Dartford Inn on North Lawson Drive near State Highways 23 and 49. Green Lake and neighboring fire departments including Ripon, Red Granite, and Poy Sippi were involved in fighting the blaze in sub-zero temperatures. Green Lake/Brooklyn Fire Department officials say they were able to prevent the fire from spreading to the entire building, but there was significant damage to about half of it. The cause of the fire is not believed to be suspicious but is still being investigated. The state Fire Marshal’s Office and detectives are involved in that investigation. According to the Dartford Inn’s website it was built in 1949.
A fire was reported in Green Lake overnight. Officials got a call around 11:30 pm. The fire is at the Dartford Inn on North Lawson Drive near State Highways 23 and 49. The Green Lake/Brooklyn Fire Department and neighboring fire departments including Ripon and Poy Sippi were involved in fighting the blaze during sub-zero temperatures. We will have more details for you in our later newscasts and at the Hometown Broadcasting.com website.
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