2/28/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Monday
28 February 2022 News
Oshkosh Mask Requirement Ending
The City of Oshkosh will no longer require employees and visitors inside city-operated buildings to wear face coverings once the current requirement expires at the end of today. Starting tomorrow employees and visitors will be encouraged to wear face coverings if they choose to do so, but it will not be a requirement. Face coverings will continue to be required in GO Transit buses and facilities by federal order. Also starting Tuesday Oshkosh boards and commissions will be transitioning back to in-person meetings for boards and commissions that have not already noticed an upcoming virtual meeting. Oshkosh Common Council meetings will continue to be held in-person, but will no longer have the option for general public remote participation.
Senior Services Integration Info Sessions
The Fond du Lac County Senior Services Department is being integrated into the Social Services Department to join with the Aging and Disabilities Resource Center to create a new Aging division. The opportunity came about with the retirement of the Director of Senior Services. Information sessions have been scheduled about the integration. The first is at 1 pm tomorrow afternoon at the Ripon Senior Center. A second session is scheduled Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 pm at the Campbellsport Library, and a third session is planned for Thursday morning at 10 am at the Fond du Lac Senior Center. Written comments can be sent to the Aging and Disability Resource Center. Address them attention Jackie, 50 North Portland Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935.
Some More Prone To Develop Blood Clots
A cardiologist with SSM Health’s Fond du Lac Regional Clinic says some individuals are at more risk than others of developing blood clots. Dr. Marc Atzenhoefer says some people are more prone to developing blood clots. That includes those who are 55 or older, those who are obese, those who have been hospitalized due to illness or injury, people with cancer or that are receiving cancer treatments and those who have a family history of blood clots. He says young women who use the pill or are on hormone therapy and women that are pregnant also are at risk. He says people that are immobile for long periods of time like long-haul truckers and those confined to a bed or wheel chair are also at risk of developing blood clots. March is National Blood Clot Awareness Month.
Identity Theft Spoofing
The fastest rising consumer complaint on the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Top Ten Complaint List of 2021 was identity theft. It increased by 1,021 complaints from 2020 helping it finish third on the list last year. Michael Domke is the Director of The Bureau of Consumer Protection. He says Wisconsin is trending upward on identity theft like the rest of the nation. He points out some of that fraud is perpetrated over the phone or through email when scammers spoof a legitimate organization even law enforcement to cheat people out of their money or identity. He says unfortunately legitimate agencies trying to raise funds face skepticism because of the spoofing. Throughout 2021 Bureau of Consumer Protection staff did presentations on identity theft and other consumer protection topics to more than 4,500 individuals.
Horicon Bank Summer Concert Series
Ripon Main Street Executive Director Craig Tebon says they have some great talent lined up for the Horicon Bank Ripon Summer Concert series, but they need sponsors for some of the individual concerts yet. He says they will kick things off with The Jimmy’s on June 3rd. Other sponsored performers include Bad Habitz, Zac Matthews Band, Road Trip, 5 Card Studs, Cherry Pie and Madison County. Other performers are lined up but aren’t sponsored yet. Those who might be interested in a sponsorship can call the Ripon Main Street office at 920-748-7466 for more information. Tebon says with the purchase of a home near the Village Green they will be able to expand their space when the house is razed. He says a grant they were hoping to get to help with costs of developing that space didn’t come through so they are seeking donations for that as well.
Sturgeon Season Day 16

The final day of the 2022 sturgeon spearing season saw 83 fish taken out of Lake Winnebago. The total harvest for the Winnebago System was 1,518 fish of which 1,169 came from the big lake and 349 out of the Upriver Lakes. After the full 16-day season, the Lake Winnebago and Winnebago System-wide caps remained far from being reached. This year’s Lake Winnebago harvest was lower than the 2021 season but still ranks relatively high among recent years. It was the second-highest harvest since 2015. A total of 88 fish on the Winnebago System weighed over 100 pounds making up 5.7 percent of the total harvest. The percentage of fish over 100 pounds is the largest since 2018. Justin Lammers speared the largest fish Sunday, a 112.6 pound female sturgeon that measured 76.9 inches in length. He registered it at the Black Wolf registration station. Pictured Matthew Rusnak with his first sturgeon it was 69.9 inches long and weighed 66.8 pounds.
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