2/14/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Monday
14 February 2022 News
Tired Of COVID
Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says she understands why people are tired of hearing about COVID-19 because she has experienced the same thing with her own staff. She says not that they are complaining but they are grateful when she gives staff projects and activities that are non-COVID related. She says they are all looking forward to the day when its threat level is at a point where they can concentrate on other things. In the meantime she urges people to get vaccinated, wear face masks, and get tested if they are sick. She says while COVID might not have a big impact on your health it may have a very different outcome if you give it to someone else. She notes they have seen new cases declining in the county over the past three weeks.
JFC Approves Funding For Ballweg Bills
State Senator Joan Ballweg and her Joint Finance Committee colleagues last week approved funding for her agriculture and agribusiness export initiative. The JFC also approved her bill which raises the standards for exempting sales tax for entertainment admission sales by nonprofit organizations. The state lawmaker from Markesan says with agriculture and agribusiness export initiative the state has a tremendous opportunity for growth and has a lot of diverse products it can offer. That comprehensive initiative directs the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, in partnership with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, to achieve certain export initiatives by June 30th, 2026. The other bill was suggested by organizers of the Iola Car Show.
SSM Health Wisconsin Announces New Regional President

Following a national search, SSM Health has named Sue Anderson as its Regional President of SSM Health Wisconsin, effective March 1st. Anderson most recently served as Executive Vice President for Virginia Mason Health System and President of Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle. Prior to that, she served as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Information Officer for the health system. SSM Health Chief Operating Officer Steve Smoot says, “We are thrilled to welcome Sue to SSM Health.” He adds her experience and leadership will be invaluable. Anderson will be based in Madison, Wisconsin.
Ripon Community Hospital Therapy Services
The lead therapist at SSM Health’s Ripon Community Hospital says they deal with multiple disciplines when it comes to providing rehabilitation services to the community. Greg Frounfelter is licensed as both a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Licensed Athletic Trainer. He says they provide orthopedic, occupational, cardiac, and speech and language therapy. They also deal in sports medicine providing service to a number of area high schools and Ripon College. He says they may in fact spend more time with patients then their doctors do as they build a relationship working toward getting people well. He says they would be happy to answer any questions about their services if you give them a call at 920-745-3630.
Dallman Introduces Financial Literacy Bill
State Representative Alex Dallman has introduced a bill, which would require one credit of personal financial literacy for high school graduation. Under current law, a school board may grant a high school diploma to a student only if the student meets specific statutory requirements, such as earning a certain number of credits in various subjects in high school. The bill states that, in order to graduate, a student must also earn at least one credit of personal financial literacy that includes financial mindset, education and employment, saving and investing, credit and debt, and risk management and insurance. Dallman says, “It is critical that we set our Wisconsin students up for financial success as they head into the workforce or college.” The Assembly Committee on Education passed the bill this week which is now awaiting a vote on the floor by the full Assembly.
Thrasher A Unique Venue
Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jason Mansmith says becoming the marketing director for the Thrasher Opera House in Green Lake will allow him to continue to promote something unique that the area has to offer. He says like the Chamber the Thrasher has great people and a great Board of Directors working for it. It will also give him the opportunity to indulge in his passion for music and live performance. He says with its 200 seats and acoustics it is an intimate venue for performers. Mansmith has been with the Chamber since May of 2013 and became Executive Director in January of 2014. His last day with the Chamber is March 4th.
Upriver Lakes Sturgeon Spearing Could Close Today

The Sturgeon Spearing season started on Lake Winnebago and the Upriver Lakes this weekend. The DNR says a total of 716 fish were taken on the Winnebago system Saturday and Sunday with 424 sturgeon taken on Lake Winnebago and 292 on the Upriver Lakes. Of those 34 fish weighed more than 100 pounds. Adam Zehner pulled out the largest fish Sunday it was a female that weighed 141.6 pounds and was 74.4 inches long. The DNR says the season on the Upriver Lakes could end today or tomorrow. Only 3 adult females are needed to trigger the 90 percent cap for the Upriver Lakes. Officials also say 12,213 licenses were sold for Lake Winnebago and 480 for the Upriver Lakes which comes to a total of 12,693 licenses more than last year but on par with the average of 12,500 over the years.
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