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Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday 1/12/22

12 January 2022 News

Help Sought Locating Winneconne Runaway

The Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department is asking for the public’s help in locating a15-year-old Winneconne girl who was reported as a runaway on December 6th. Aliyah Tritt is 5 foot 2 inches tall and weighs 105 pounds. She has blue eyes and brown hair. She was last seen on December 5th around 8 pm at her home on Rozek Road. When she left she took her three cats and prescription medication. Sheriff’s detectives and deputies have followed a number of leads that were unsuccessful in locating her. Investigators believe a network of adults is assisting in concealing her whereabouts. She has been entered into the National Crime Information Center as a runaway. Anyone with time sensitive information regarding her whereabouts is asked to contact the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office at (920) 236-5700 otherwise speak with Detective Ryan Hathaway at (920) 236-7377.   (Winnebago County Sheriff’s photo)            

Cars Broken Into In Green Lake

Police in Green Lake are urging residents to lock their vehicles and take valuables with them after several vehicles were broken into Monday night. The vehicles were unlocked and purses and keys were left inside. Green Lake Police Chief Jason Reysen says within an hour of the thefts the thieves had already used the stolen credit cards that were taken out of the vehicles. Reysen reminds residents to lock their vehicles, do not leave valuables in your vehicle, and do not have a spare set of keys in your vehicle. He also asks that those who witness suspicious activity taking place in or around their vehicle or a neighbor’s vehicle call 911.         

Crisis Standards Implemented For COVID Notifications

With the current COVID-19 surge some health departments are implementing what is referred to as “crisis standards” of practice when it comes to notifying people whether they’ve tested positive for the coronavirus. For example the Green Lake County Public Health Department staff will prioritize making phone calls to individuals who are at high risk for severe illness and to families of school-aged children. All other individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will be mailed an informational letter. Those who test positive are asked to stay home and follow the guidance provided by their healthcare provider, employer, school, childcare provider, etc. The Waushara County Health Department has also implemented a crisis response model on who they notify by phone to those who are hospitalized and children under the age of 18. The Dodge County Health Department will only be contacting individuals who are ages 70 and older and those who are ages 18 and younger.

ThedaCare COVID Testing

With increasing COVID-19 cases in the region, the demand for testing continues and ThedaCare is offering different locations for that in Northeast and Central Wisconsin. ThedaCare encourages community members to be tested if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Appointments for mobile testing are required and people can pre-register online. Testing will be held at the Waushara County World War II Memorial building in Wautoma today with rapid testing from 8 am to 3:30 pm and PCR testing from 8 am to 4 pm. Friday testing will be available at the Green Lake American Legion Post in Green Lake with rapid testing from 8 am to 3:30 pm and PCR testing from 8 am to 4 pm. The testing is free and available to all community members.

Do I Need a COVID-19 Test? (doineedacovid19test.com)

Village Green Will Expand In Ripon

For nearly 30 years the Ripon Main Street program has been trying to add land to the Village Green in Ripon and that finally came to fruition last month. Main Street Executive Director Craig Tebon says they purchased a home adjacent to the Village Green on Ransom Street. He says the house will be moved or razed and they will landscape the property, which will just about double the size of the Village Green. He says it will give them some options as far as staging bigger events possibly even building a gathering place they can use during the winter months. The Village Green is already pretty much used throughout the year for events like summer concerts, Dickens of a Christmas activities, Polka on Ice, and more.

Ripon Senior Center Membership Could Grow With New Building

The Executive Director for the Ripon Senior Activity Center believes a new building will spur interest in joining the center. The Senior Center/Trailhead facility in Murray Park will be built later this year. Center Executive Director Noreen Johnson says not everyone was pleased when they moved from their old building to the basement of city hall where they are cramped for space. She is excited about the new building that will be put up. Johnson says it will get more use because of the trailhead and because it will double as a community center. She points out they’ve had to hold some of their larger gatherings at other sites in the city including the American Legion Building so the new building will give them more space for speakers and activities.

BBB Bill Would Impact Sheltered Work Places

Congressman Glenn Grothman says if the federal Build, Back, Better Bill passes it would work toward shutting down sheltered work places that employ people of different abilities. He says places like Brooke Industries in Fond du Lac, Green Valley Enterprises in Beaver Dam, and Diverse Options in Ripon could be harmed if the bill passes. He says those in favor of shutting down sheltered work places object to the low pay and think those of different abilities should be mainstreamed into the work force. He says some of the House members who voted for the bill didn’t realize that provision was in the bill, but bill is over 2,000 pages long. The Build, Back, Better Bill is currently in the U.S. Senate.

Freeland Film Festival This Weekend

The Freeland Film Festival, with headquarters in Green Lake, is this Thursday through Saturday with a theme of “A Better World, Beyond Pandemics.” The 4th Annual “Virtual” festival will be live-streaming a collection of films to a global audience through a virtual platform. To attend you need access to the internet. The films were produced all over the globe, looking at pandemic drivers like wildlife trade, industrial farming, and nature-based solutions on many levels. In addition to the films three panel discussions will be live streamed. Passes can be purchased and a digital program guide for the festival is available at the Freeland Film Festival website. The cost for all-access passes for the entire 3-day virtual festival cost $25.

2022 Festival | Freeland Film Festival
