1/26/22 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
26 January 2022 News
Home Hit By Milk Truck
The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office says a milk truck crashed into a home at W2710 Highway 45 last evening. A 35-year-old Hilbert man was driving the truck when he swerved to miss a deer and went into the ditch. As he attempted to reenter the roadway he drove across both lanes of traffic and struck the house on the west side of the highway. A 41-year-old Eden man inside the home was not injured. The home belongs to Christopher Straub. Also responding to the scene were the Eden Fire Department, Campbellsport Ambulance, and Wisconsin State Patrol. The crash was reported at 7:13 pm.
COVID Testing In Ripon Was Cancelled Due To Extreme Cold
Due to the extreme cold the drive-thru COVID-19 mobile testing in the parking lot at Alliance Laundry Systems in Ripon was cancelled yesterday. Fond du Lac County’s Health Department says in such circumstances they encourage people to visit the testing page on the county’s website for additional testing opportunities. The site in Ripon is open Tuesdays from 10 am to 4 pm. Additionally the county provides testing at the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds Mondays and Thursdays from 8 am to 4:30 pm.
Community Testing Sites | Fond du Lac County (wi.gov)
Sales Tax Revenue Will Pay For Downtown Ripon Improvements
The Ripon Common Council this week approved a proposal for how it will spend the $51,333 the city is receiving from Fond du Lac County for its share of county sales tax revenue. The money will pay for improvements to the downtown business improvement district with Ripon Main Street putting in an additional $13,000 to pay for the nearly $65,000 in proposed improvements. Some of those improvements include wayfinding signage such as banners, parking and directional signage. Streetscape improvements would include flower planters, bench replacement, replacement of trash and recycling containers, and decorative signposts. Amenities like bike racks and installation of a downtown WIFI system are also planned. Several council members suggested that if the sales tax refund is available in the future improvements should be slated for the east and west side of the city as well. The planned use of the funds had to be submitted to the county by February 1st.
EAA Hops And Props Cancelled
EAA’s annual Hops & Props food and drink tasting event, scheduled for Saturday, March12th, at the EAA Aviation Museum in Oshkosh, has been canceled. All tickets purchased will be refunded. Jack Pelton, EAA CEO and Chairman says, “We strive to make the event and all EAA events top-flight experiences, and an unfortunate confluence of circumstances made it impossible to host Hops & Props this year at the level of quality we expect.” He says that included some of the long-time brewery participants that are no longer in business and major staffing challenges for outside events among other brewers, plus other contributing factors. He says they will review all of those as they look ahead to 2023.
Alliant Energy FDL Solar Project Operational
Alliant Energy’s 1-megawatt Fond du Lac community solar project is now operational and producing power. Solar production tracking began January 1st. David Leon President of Alliant Energy’s Wisconsin Utility says, “The Fond du Lac garden is the first of what is expected to be multiple community solar locations across Iowa and Wisconsin.” He says Alliant Energy is excited to offer new options that benefit their customers and strengthen the communities they serve. He says they hope to attain zero carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity they generate by 2050. This is Alliant Energy’s first community solar garden to generate energy for the power grid.
Dallman Receives Special Committee Assignment
State Representative Alex Dallman has been appointed to serve as the Vice-Chair of the newly formed Special Committee on Trade and Supply Chain. The Committee on Trade and Supply Chain will focus on the relationship between the labor shortage and supply chain interruptions and the impacts and barriers this will create for businesses and consumers. The committee will also examine the disruptions that have occurred in production and distribution of products over the last two years, the lack of workers in the labor market, and Wisconsin’s role in the economic recovery. The state lawmaker from Green Lake says, “I am excited to be able to dive into supply chain and labor challenges that are currently affecting almost every citizen of Wisconsin.” He believes the committee will be an asset to the state.
Congressman Grothman Urges Release Of Possible Treatment For COVID
Congressman Glenn Grothman would like to see President Biden allow monoclonal antibodies to treat people with COVID-19. He says a cocktail of drugs that included monoclonal antibodies was used to treat President Trump and worked quickly to cure him. He says he’s talked with others who found them to be very effective when they were treated with them. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah claims President Biden tried to buy up and restrict those treatments which should be made available to the public. He’s urging the federal government to make more of the monoclonal antibody treatments available to Wisconsin and the rest of the nation. Only one of the three monoclonal antibody treatments has proven to be effective against the omicron virus.
Move Over Law II

State Senator Joan Ballweg says she’s proud of the new law she helped create that promotes safer roads for first responders, law enforcement, and tow truck drivers working the scenes of accidents and emergencies. She says a couple of accidents in the 14th State Senate District involving those responding to such emergencies led to its creation. She says it’s similar to courtesies drivers are supposed to extend to those working in highway construction and maintenance zones, but also includes penalties if a first responder is hit or killed. She it essentially creates a safety zone within 500 feet of those emergency sites. She notes there was another close call this past weekend in Columbia County where a state trooper’s cruiser was hit by another motorist while he was working a traffic stop. The trooper suffered non-life-threatening injuries.
Party On Poygan
The 13th Annual Party on Poygan in Winneconne is this Saturday. From 7 am to 3 pm there’s the Ice Fishing Contest, which Critter from Critter’s Wolf River Sports says has 20 opportunities to win cash including four top prizes of $1,000 cash. There’s also a sportsman raffle and after the fishing contest people can unwind at Woodeye’s Bar and Grill where “Boombox” will perform from 8 pm to Midnight. Details about the contest and the 13th Annual Party on Poygan are available at the Party on Poygan Facebook page. Party on Poygan is being presented by the American Legion, Battle on Baygo, Woodeye’s and Critters.
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