Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 12/9/21
10 December 2021 News
Dodge County Judge Sentences Chicago Man On Fleeing And Drug Charges
A Dodge County judge Thursday sentenced a 39-year-old Chicago, Illinois man to three years in prison and three years of extended supervision on fleeing an officer and cocaine trafficking charges. Charges against Gecobea Leach stemmed from two separate incidents. On March 12th of last year he fled from a traffic stop on State Highway 26 in Watertown at speeds of 110 miles an hour. About three weeks later the Dodge County Drug Task Force located Leach at a residence in Beaver Dam. When Leach left the residence he took off on foot but was detained by law enforcement. They found two baggies of rock cocaine on him and illegally possessed prescription pills, additional crack cocaine, and drug paraphernalia in the residence. Prosecutors had recommended four years in prison and seven years of extended supervision.
Scam Hits Berlin Catholic Parish
The Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office is warning residents of an email scam after parishioners of All Saints Catholic Parish and School in Berlin were recently hit by a scam. In a post on the Parish’s Facebook page Father John Silva warns of a scam in which the subject of the texts or emails is a plea for assistance or to buy gift cards for Father John. Father John says that’s not how the Bishop or their priests would ask for assistance. He says sadly predators are using the current crisis to take advantage of good and generous people. He says if you get such a message and it doesn’t seem right contact the parish office or the Diocese of Madison and ask. He says you should never share your personal information, social security numbers, credit card numbers or banking information with people you don’t know.
COVID Vaccine Equity Grants
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services on Thursday announced $8.1 million in grants has been awarded to organizations across the state to promote health equity in COVID-19 vaccination throughout the state. The investment aims to increase vaccinations by supporting organizations to serve as trusted messengers within their communities and reduce barriers that hinder vaccine access for marginalized or underserved populations. Through funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the DHS was able to offer an additional $13 million dollars for the Vaccination Community Outreach Grant Program, which originally distributed $6.2 million to organizations in early 2021. Among the organizations receiving grants that serve the area are; African Heritage, Inc, the Fond du Lac Area United Way, the Oshkosh Area School District, Partnership Community Health Center, and United Migrant Opportunity Services.
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Bob Dole A True American Hero
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson says former Senator Bob Dole was a true American hero. Dole’s funeral is today at Washington National Cathedral. Dole served for decades as a U.S. Senator and Congressman from his home state of Kansas and was severely wounded in World War II. He ran for President three times. Johnson says Dole served at a time when politicians were able to compromise to get things done. Johnson didn’t serve with Dole, but Dole traveled to the Nation’s Capital after he retired to advocate for veterans. Senator Johnson says he hopes younger people will read about Dole and learn how willing people were to sacrifice for their country.
COVID Numbers Increasing
The Emergency Department Nurse Manager for Ripon Community Hospital says they have seen an increasing number of COVID-19 patients in their emergency room and patient admissions. Ashley Kolberg works for the SSM Health facility. She says the majority of those they are seeing are not vaccinated against COVID. They require longer medical care which limits the number of beds for patients who need general medical care or surgery. She says people weary of wearing masks and social distancing are going to parties and social gatherings and are getting sick as a result. Kolberg notes unlike last year at this time when COVID cases spiked we know more about treating it. She still recommends getting vaccinated, wearing a mask in public, practicing social distancing, and using hand sanitizer.
Marcus Theatres Offers Vaccine Only Showings
Several Marcus Theatres in Wisconsin and Illinois are trying vaccine only movies or showing movies for those who are fully immunized against the COVID-19 virus. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says it will work because those same theatres are also showing the same movie in other theatres with no restrictions on who sees them. He says those who are vaccinated can choose the vaccine-only showing knowing they don’t have to wear a mask or risk contracting the virus from someone who isn’t vaccinated. Marcus Corporation CEO Greg Marcus says moviegoers want to return to the cinema but are afraid of COVID-19 exposure. The company does require its theater employees to wear masks.
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