Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 12/3/21
3 December 2021 News
Ripon Man Charged With Child Sexual Assault
A 39-year-old Ripon man has been charged with second degree sexual assault of a child and first degree child sex assault-sexual contact with a person under the age of 13. Brian Martinez (pictured) made his initial appearance on the charges in Fond du Lac County court last week. Bond was set at $10,000 cash and a preliminary hearing is scheduled today. According to the criminal complaint the victims were 11 and 14 year old girls. The contact allegedly occurred at a residence in Ripon and the victims told investigators they didn’t encourage or want to participate in it. Martinez was convicted in Outagamie County in July of 2019 of a felony charge of issuing a worthless check.
Narrow Escape For FDL County Highway Worker
A Fond du Lac County highway worker escaped injury by leaping from a piece of machinery just before a suspected drunken driver’s vehicle struck it on Kinker Road near Highway 45 Thursday morning. The State Patrol says 47-year-old Tony Schumacher of Fond du Lac was driving the car that struck that piece of equipment and left the scene on foot. But nearby witnesses located him and while being interviewed by State troopers he admitted to driving the vehicle. He was taken to a local hospital where sobriety tests were administered. Schumacher was arrested for his fifth operating while under the influence offense and was taken to the Fond du Lac County Jail. The incident occurred just before 10 am Thursday morning.
Community Health Assessment
Mental health, chronic disease-such as obesity-and substance use remain among the top health concerns in Fond du Lac County. That’s according to the 2021 Community Health Assessment released this week. Putting together the assessment, which is updated every three years, is a year-long process. The County Health Department and community partners say findings in the report are similar to previous assessment years. The report will be used by Community Health Assessment partners and local health coalitions to develop a three-year community health improvement plan. The 82-page assessment is available at the County’s website.
2021 CHA Report – FCHD (website) (wi.gov)
Candidacy Papers
Wednesday was the first day that candidates running for office next April could take out their nomination papers or non-candidacy papers if they are up for re-election but choose not to run. On the Ripon School Board incumbent board members Betsy Heffernan, Gary Rodman, and Nate Zimdars are up for re-election. Heffernan has taken out her candidacy papers. Those choosing not to run for re-election have until December 24th at 5 pm to file their non-candidacy papers. Otherwise anyone running for office in April needs to file their candidacy papers by 5 pm on January 4th. All 25 Fond du Lac County Board supervisors’ seats are up for election in April.
Oregon Street Bridge Closure
The state’s Department of Transportation tells us the Oregon Street Bridge in Oshkosh will be closed during daytime hours Monday through Thursday of next week for bridge maintenance. There will be a full closure daily from 7 am to 3:30 pm while crews perform the bridge maintenance.
Merck COVID Pill
In a narrow vote this week an FDA panel gave emergency authorization to Merck’s COVID treatment pill. The pill was approved by the Food and Drug Administration panel by a 13 to 10 vote. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says some panel members were concerned about potential birth defects if taken during pregnancy. Puhlmann-Becker says many pills do run the risk of having side effects so a doctor should be consulted before taking them. However, he feels the Merck pill could be the first at home pill that people can take if they are in the initial stages of COVID-19.
Dickens Of A Christmas In Ripon This Weekend

The 31st annual Dickens of a Christmas celebration is in downtown Ripon this weekend. The bulk of activities are today and Saturday. Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jason Mansmith says the holiday parade is tonight at 6:30 pm and Santa Claus will be in it. He says because of what happened at the Waukesha Holiday Parade they met with the police department first to hash things out. After the parade the Ripon Area Community Theatre presents “A Christmas Carol” Radio Play. The performance is at 7:30 pm at the Ripon City Hall Council Chambers, but it will also be carried on 93.1 and AM 1600 The Wave! There are a number of activities Saturday starting off with Breakfast with Santa at Mr. and Mrs. P’s Eatery from 8 to 11 am and capping off the day the 31st Annual “Living Windows” from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. A complete list of “Dickens” activities is available at the Chamber’s website.
Dickens of a Christmas | Ripon Chamber of Commerce (ripon-wi.com)
Nature Photographer Artist Of The Month At Town Square

The first Friday of every month the Town Square Community Center in Green Lake hosts a reception for the featured artist of the month from 5 to 6 pm. This month it is photographer Heather Bethke. Amelia Compton Wolff of Town Square says Heather is from Green Lake County and is an avid nature photographer. Heather raises chickens and honey bees with her husband Jesse and their two daughters, Natalee and Brynlee at their farmette. Compton Wolff says the monthly exhibits give them a chance to showcase the work of local artists. For more about Town Square visit their website Green Lake Town Square.org.
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