Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 12/17/21
17 December 2021 News
Smuckers Closing In Ripon
The J.M. Smucker Company Wednesday announced it will close and sell its Ripon manufacturing facility. The news came as part of an announcement by the company that it was selling its natural and organic beverage and grains businesses to Nexus Capital Management LP. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of the company’s 2022 fiscal year. It’s a cash transaction that is valued at approximately $110 million. Company officials say the decision to close the Ripon facility was difficult. It will affect approximately 92 people. Employees of the Ripon facility will be able to apply for other positions that are open in the company.
Company News | The J.M. Smucker Company (jmsmucker.com)
Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over Campaign Underway

Law enforcement agencies across Wisconsin will be stepping up enforcement this holiday season with the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign. The national effort started Wednesday and runs through New Year’s Day. The goal is to prevent tragedies during the holidays by boosting patrols to get impaired drivers off the road. Someone is injured or killed in an alcohol-related crash about every three hours in Wisconsin. One-hundred and sixty-seven (167) people died in alcohol-related crashes in 2020, which made up more than one-quarter of all traffic fatalities in the state. Drugged driving is also a significant concern. Last year, 80 people died in drug-involved crashes, up from 59 deaths in 2019.
Some Duplicate Bills Send To Oshkosh Property Owners
Oshkosh city officials say approximately 500 real estate and personal property tax bills were sent inadvertently to property owners as duplicates. City staff is investigating the error and why it occurred. Residents are not being double-billed, the second bill is a duplicate. Residents who received a duplicate tax bill are asked to forward their parcel number and address to the email address tax@ci.oshkosh.wi.us. The bills were mailed out last Friday. In order to be credited with a 2021 tax payment, the payments must be received, paid in person at city hall or Community First Credit Union or Associated Bank, or placed in the drop box located by the main entrance to City Hall by December 30th. Oshkosh City Hall will be closed on December 23rd and 24th, and December 31st.
More Boosters May Be Required Against COVID 19
Health experts are now looking at the possibility that to fight off COVID-19 people may need more than one booster shot over the years. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says that is not too surprising given the way the virus has evolved with its variants. He says it’s also not unusual that a disease or virus would require a booster. He notes for instance that people need a booster for tetanus every 10 years. A completion of the vaccine series for COVID-19 isn’t providing as much protection from the Omicron variant, but the vaccines plus a booster is providing very good protection against it.
Thiesfeldt Will Not Seek Another Term In The State Assembly
State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt of Fond du Lac will not be seeking another 2-year term representing the 52nd State Assembly District. The former Winnebago Lutheran Academy teacher and Fond du Lac City Council member recently announced he would not be running for another term in 2022. The 55-year-old has an opportunity to return to Winnebago Lutheran Academy and he says the timing is right. Thiesfeldt has always felt that serving in public office should not be a long-term appointment. He has been elected to the State Assembly since 2010.
Congressman Grothman On His Vote On Different Bills
Congressman Glenn Grothman voted for the Defense Reauthorization Bill, but not the Build Back Better Bill. The federal lawmaker for the 6th Congressional District says he favors a strong defense and believed it was important to vote in favor of the spending bill, but he says he doesn’t like some of the spending built into the bill that goes toward certain House members’ pet projects. On the other hand he voted against the $1.7 trillion Build Better Back Bill, which he feels includes some policies he doesn’t agree with including giving the government say on how 3 and 4 year old children should be raised and footing the bill for the college education of illegal immigrants. The Build Back Better Bill doesn’t have the support of all Democrats in the U.S. Senate and may not be taken up until after the New Year begins.
Habitat Building Home In Ripon
Habitat for Humanity of Fond du Lac County is building their fifth home in Ripon. The walls on the home at the corner of Joy Avenue and Metomen Street went up this week. Katie Karls is Habitat’s Executive Director. She says a single mother with one child will be moving in early next spring when the home is complete. The woman is moving in from outside of Ripon. Karls says the woman will be required to put in what’s termed “sweat equity” on the build and with non-profit organizations. They also need volunteers to help with the build. Those who are interested can go to their website or call 920-921-6623. Although this is Habitat’s fifth build in Ripon overall it is there 33rd build across the county over the years.
Mercury Marine Green Masters Recognition For The Eleventh Consecutive Year

For the 11th consecutive year, Mercury Marine, has earned a Green Masters designation from the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council. Once again, Mercury achieved a score within the top 20 percent of all applicants to earn the designation. The Green Masters Program measures companies on a broad range of sustainability categories ranging from energy and water conservation to waste management, community outreach and education. In addition, companies are evaluated in the contexts of transportation, supply chain, workforce and governance. Mercury Marine President Chris Drees says he is very proud of the commitment from their team.
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