COVID 19 Report Thursday
31 December 2021 News
As 2021 comes to a close state health officials Thursday reported 7,772 new COVID-19 cases up nearly 1,300 cases from the previous day. Last year at this time the state was reporting 2,755 new cases and 35 deaths. The 30 deaths reported yesterday put the total number of lives lost in the state since the pandemic began at 10,044. It stood at 4,818 on the last day of 2020. Also on that day there were a total of 1,074 hospitalizations due to the coronavirus compared to 1,715 yesterday.
Winnebago County Thursday reported 237 new COVID-19 cases compared to 57 on the last day of 2020. Fond du Lac County had 99 new cases compared to 43 this same day last year. Dodge County numbers from this year and last year 111 new cases compared to 47, Green Lake County 21 new cases compared to 2 cases, Waupaca County 55 new cases compared to 4 cases, and Waushara County had 11 new cases and 2 deaths yesterday compared to four new cases and three deaths to close out 2020.
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