Cat Found Near Ripon Shot In The Face
12 November 2021 News
The Oshkosh Area Humane Society says a cat is in a foster home recovering from surgery after being shot in the face. A Good Samaritan found it in Nepeuskun, a rural area in Winnebago County near Ripon. The cat was rushed to BluePearl Pet Hospital in Appleton. Most of its lower jaw was gone. Humane Society officials named it “Richie Cunningham” after the “Happy Days” character because of its red hair and easy-going personality. X-rays showed buckshot throughout its body. Despite the damage to its jaw “Richie” is able to eat and drink on its own. OAHS officials say “Richie” is friendly and even head butts peoples’ hands to get more petting. The Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the case of animal cruelty. (Oshkosh Area Humane Society photo)
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