Spooktacular Bingo Returns To Town Square
17 October 2021 News
GREEN LAKE, WI, — Green Lake’s spookiest party to die for—Town
Square’s Spooktacular Bingo—is scheduled for Saturday, October 30 at 492 Hill Street. Doors
and concessions open at 5 p.m., card sales begin at 5:30 p.m. and games start at 6:30 p.m.
“It’s a night filled with monster prizes and wicked-good fun,” said Phil Burkart, one of Town
Square’s founders and legendary bingo caller. “People dress in themed costumes for nearly
every bingo game, but Spooktacular Bingo is the time to go all out.”
The night features 13 games, plus speedy bingo and a progressive black out final game with the
fang-tastic jackpot of $735 plus half the night’s progressive sales. The otherworldly event has
become the community’s favorite way to celebrate Halloween, with prizes for the best costumes,
door prizes throughout the night and a 50-50 raffle.
Concessions will be available for purchase in the ballroom’s new Jury Room Bar, including $2
Sheboygan hot dogs, chips, beer and wine. Carry-ins are prohibited. Attendees are highly
encouraged to arrive early to find seats before the games begin.
This month’s bingo game will be the first in Town Square’s ballroom following the sale of the
safety building, where bingo had previously been held. The recently-renovated ballroom will be
the new venue for bingo games moving forward. Attendees should use Town Square’s main
entrance. The rear handicap-accessible entrance will also be available, with elevator access to
the ballroom.
Proceeds from the bingo games support Town Square, an award-winning community cente
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