Person Of Interest In Ripon Police Child Pornography Investigation Dies
29 October 2021 News
A person of interest in the Ripon Police Department’s investigation into alleged child pornography possession died Thursday. Search warrants were executed at Rick Kelm’s residence on Thursday, October 21st during which police seized computer devices, drives, disks, digital cameras and cell phones. No charges had been filed against Kelm a social studies teacher and golf coach at the high school. A cybertip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to a Ripon Police investigator sparked the investigation. In a statement issued to parents late last week School District Superintendent Mary Whitrock said Kelm was on leave from the district. He was head coach for the high school football team from 1998 to 2010 leading them to state championships in 2003 and 2005. Whitrock issued another statement yesterday saying, “The family of Ripon Area School District staff member Richard Kelm asked me to share the sad news of Rick’s passing today with you.” She called it a significant loss to the Ripon school community. Counselors were made available to support staff and students. (Ripon Area School District photo)
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