More Information Needed In Green Lake County Fatal Accident Investigation
13 October 2021 News
Green Lake County Chief Deputy Sheriff Matt Vande Kolk says they are looking for two people involved in a minor fender bender at the stop lights at State Highways 23 and 49 and County Highway A minutes before a fatal accident. One of the vehicles involved in that minor accident, a Black Jeep Cherokee, 10 minutes later crossed over the centerline on State Highway 23 near County Highway W and struck a Ford SUV head-on killing the 51-year-old Appleton man driving it. Vande Kolk says a red or maroon-colored SUV was involved in the minor fender bender with the Jeep Cherokee and a man about 60 got out of his vehicle and spoke to the 43-year-old Fond du Lac woman driving the Cherokee. He says that man was with a woman about the same age and the two of them may be able to help piece together more information as to what led to the fatal accident. The man was wearing a plaid shirt with a visitor’s sticker on it. The sticker may have been from a local hospital. Vande Kolk says people had to drive around that minor fender bender and they may know more about the red or maroon-colored SUV. Anyone with information is asked to call the Green Lake County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-438-8436 or can email getthem@co.green-lake.wi.us. Any truckers that may have been driving east on State Highway 23 between Princeton and Ripon on September 29th between 3 and 3:25 pm that have dashcam video are also asked to contact the Crime Stoppers.
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