Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 10-5-21
5 October 2021 News
Three Hurt In Three Vehicle Crash
Three people were taken to St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac following a three –vehicle accident on State Highway 23 near Mt. Calvary Sunday afternoon. According to Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s logs the crash occurred at the intersection of State Highway 23 and County Highway W when a 56-year-old man failed to yield to traffic and obey traffic signs in a construction zone. Taken to the hospital were the 41-year-old driver of one of the vehicles and two passengers, a 9-year-old girl and 5-year-old girl. The accident was reported about 3:30 Sunday afternoon.
Sex Offender Released In Oshkosh

Oshkosh Police say a 38-year-old sex offender is being released from prison and will be living at 215 Division Street starting today. Daniel Kalash will be on electronic monitoring. He was convicted in Winnebago County in February of 2020 on two counts of causing a child to view or listen to sexual activity. The victim was an 11-year-old girl. Kalash is being released from the Oshkosh Correctional Institution. He will be under probation and parole supervision until October 7th, 2026.
Work On US Highway 10 In Waupaca County
The Waupaca County Highway Department will be performing maintenance on U.S. Highway 10 today and tomorrow from 6:30 am to 4:30 pm. The work will require single lane closures. Work locations will include US Highway 10 westbound 1,800 feet west of Marsh Road, US Highway 10 westbound 3,000 feet west of Wolf River, and US Highway 10 eastbound 1,300 feet east of County Highway Q. All work and closures are weather dependent and subject to change.
Job Fair In Oshkosh
The region’s pre-eminent job fair will be back to an in-person event after a two-year absence thanks to COVID-19. The Oshkosh Area Employment Fair will be held 1-4 pm on Tuesday, October 12th, at the Menominee Nation Arena in Oshkosh. More than 80 employers from across the region will feature a wide mix of available positions including office and administrative, service, manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and other professional positions. In just three hours, job seekers can meet with some of the region’s premier companies. The job fair is expected to offer a variety of roles: entry level or more skilled, seasonal temporary, full and part-time. All job seekers regardless of age, education and work experience are welcome. Some employers might offer on-site interviews while others will be accepting resumes and will schedule interviews at a later date.
US Senate Candidate At Ripon College

Alex Lasry, co-owner of the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks and a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, will speak Thursday at Ripon College. Lasry will discuss his goals and policy positions during his talk from 4:30 to 5:30 pm in Kresge Little Theatre, East Hall. Lasry has been a leader in the Bucks transformation into one of the premier NBA Franchises. He was instrumental in bringing together the public/private partnership to build the Fiserv Forum and the Deer District. He also helped negotiate the historic project labor agreement and the labor peace agreement, which included a $15 minimum wage. He spearheaded the Bucks Vote initiative and their racial justice efforts. His appearance at Ripon College is hosted by the Center for Politics and the People.
Mobile Unit For COVID Testing
Markesan and Wild Rose are among the cities that ThedaCare will have its COVID-19 mobile testing site at this week. The testing will be conducted at Soldiers and Sailors Park in Markesan today from 8 am to 3:30 pm for Rapid Testing and PCR testing from 8 am to 4 pm. On Thursday testing will be at ThedaCare Regional Medical Center in Wild Rose with Rapid Testing from 8 am to 4 pm and PCR Testing from 8 am to 4:30 pm. Friday mobile testing will be back at Soldiers and Sailors Park in Markesan with Rapid Testing from 8 am to 3:30 pm and PCR testing from 8 am to 4 pm. Appointments are required. Individuals should pre-register online at doineedcovid19test.com.
Feyen On UI Funding
State Senator Dan Feyen recently commented on the Evers administration announcement that the Department of Workforce Development signed a contract to fix the Wisconsin unemployment system using the American Rescue Plan Act and previously, the federal Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security Act. Feyen says it is precisely why Legislative Republicans asked the Governor to use federal funds almost a year ago and again in ACT 4 to fix the ongoing problems at DWD that resulted from his shutdown of the state economy. The state lawmaker from Fond du Lac says while it is a step in the right direction, the overwhelming number of claims that still have not been processed is unacceptable. As of September18th there were still more than 12,500 claims that were still waiting for their appeal to be scheduled.
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