Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday 10/14/21
14 October 2021 News
John Deere Workers In 5 States On Strike
More than 10,000 John Deere workers went on strike at midnight this morning after “the company failed to present an agreement that met our members’ demands and needs,” the United Auto Workers union said in a statement. The union had said members would walk off the job if no deal had been reached by 11:59 pm Wednesday. The vast majority of the union rejected a contract offer earlier this week that would have delivered 5 percent raises to some workers and 6 percent to others. Another sticking point in the negotiations is a shift for employees hired after November 1st from an existing pension program to a 401(k). The contract under negotiation covered 14 Deere plants across the United States, including seven in Iowa, four in Illinois and one each in Kansas, Colorado and Georgia. The strike does not include the local union at John Deere Horicon Works in Horicon, Wisconsin. Darrel Schepp, President of Machinists Union Local 873, says that they are prepping for contract negotiations at this time next year. John Deere-which is headquartered in Moline, Illinois-is coming off a record year for profits earning more than $5.7 billion dollars.
Ripon Common Council Approves Contract With Police Union
The Ripon Common Council this week approved a 3-year agreement with the Wisconsin Professional Police Association and the Ripon Professional Police Association for represented employees of the city police department. City Administrator Adam Sonntag told the council about 95 percent of the agreement hasn’t changed from the last contract. The agreement calls for a 3 percent annual hike in wages for those employees, but they will also pay more toward their health insurance premiums. Sonntag says it also stipulates to a 12-hour workday. In other action the Council approved a payment request of over $1 million ($1,074,319.34) for the Vermont Street and Parkway Terrace Reconstruction Project. Public Works Director Mike Ehrenberg says the project is on time and should be finished before the end of the year.
Teenage Brothers Arrested In Waupun
Two teenage brothers from Milwaukee were arrested after one of them was caught speeding in Waupun Sunday night. Police say the 19-year-old told them he was “test driving” the vehicle which was going 61 miles an hour in a 25 mile an hour zone. He also said he had come to town with his 17-year-old brother in another vehicle, which was ultimately found in the 100 block of Gateway Drive. A search of the second vehicle produced a stolen handgun, black tar heroin, and marijuana. The older teen is facing obstruction, and two counts of felony bail jumping charges in addition to citations for speeding and operating after revocation. The younger brother is looking at possession of a stolen firearm, heroin and marijuana possession charges. Both were taken to the Fond du Lac County Jail.
Vaccine Booster Clinic In FDL Friday
The Fond du Lac County Health Department is partnering with the National Guard to provide Pfizer booster vaccines to eligible individuals. Tomorrow they will host a drive-thru Pfizer vaccine clinic at the Cow Palace on the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds from 10 am to 6 pm or until capacity has been met. To ensure short wait lines, individuals should register ahead of time at vaccinate.wi.gov. No insurance, appointment, or ID is required. Individuals are eligible if they received two doses of Pfizer vaccine at least six months ago and are at least 65-years-old, or are 18 to 64 with certain medical conditions, or are at increased risk of getting COVID-19 due to their employment.
COVID-19 Vaccination Registration (wi.gov)
Had COVID Vaccination Still A Good Idea
A member of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says even if you have had the coronavirus it would still be a good idea to get vaccinated against the virus and its variants. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says health experts have found that the vaccines provide more protection and how much natural immunity you may have developed during your time suffering through the virus may not protect you from getting it again. In rare instances people who have been vaccinated against the virus have still gotten it, but its effects are lessened by the vaccine providing more protection against being hospitalized or suffering through serious complications. In the coming weeks a vaccine will be available for children from 5 to 11 years of age.
Oshkosh Post Office Job Fair
The Oshkosh Post Office is hoping to fill three positions during a job fair on Friday, October 22nd. It will be from 9 am to 3 pm at the post office at 1025 20th Avenue. The open positions are for a rural carrier associate, assistant rural carrier and city carrier assistant. U.S. Postal Service personnel will be on hand to provide information about the positions and to answer questions. To apply you have to be at least 18 years old and pass drug screening and a criminal background check. Applicants must also be willing to work weekends and holidays. For more information on the positions and to apply, visit the USPS website.
Behind The Mask Details Battle Against COVID 19
The SSM Health Documentary Behind the Mask will air tonight from 7 to 8 pm on several television stations in the area. The Documentary tells the tale about how health care professionals battled with the COVID-19 virus during the early days of the pandemic and how they continue to cope with it. The greater Fond du Lac area was one of the first in Wisconsin to begin care for individuals with COVID-19. That meant staff had to be innovative and charter uncertain waters. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says it is an important story about those on the front lines of the fight against the coronavirus. Hall of Fame broadcaster Bob Costas narrates the documentary. Locally Behind the Mask will air on NBC affiliates WACY32 out of Green Bay and TMJ4 out of Milwaukee.
Robot Companion In After The Blast

One of the key relationships in the futuristic drama “After the Blast” that is being performed this weekend at Ripon College is between a woman and a robot. The Zoe Kazan play is about a couple Anna and Oliver and life about 60 years after some type of unspecified nuclear incident forces nations to live underground. The play’s Director Bob Amsden says Anna develops a relationship with a robot in the play using it as a sounding board for her issues. He says they had to get creative in assembling a robot for the stage at the Benstead Theatre. The performances are free and are tonight, Friday and Saturday night at 7 pm and Sunday at 2 pm in the Theatre at the C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts on the Ripon College campus. Reservations are recommended by calling (920) 748-8791 or by emailing Jorge Gutierrez at gutirrezj@ripon.edu.
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