Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 10/22/21
22 October 2021 News
Missing Milwaukee Boy Found Dead
Police in Milwaukee are confirming 3-year-old Major Harris is dead. Police and community members were searching an area of Milwaukee Thursday afternoon when the boy’s body was found in a storage container. Authorities are still investigating how and why the boy died. Major and his mother, 25-year-old Mallery Muenzenberger, had been missing since October 9th. She was found dead of several gunshot wounds in the backyard of a Milwaukee home on October 14th. That’s when the search for her son began. The suspect in her death and the disappearance of Major, 20-year-old Jaheem Clark, died of apparent suicide as police were closing in on his home. In the past few days police arrested six people who may have had knowledge of what happened. That helped to narrow down the search for Major. Two of those people remain in custody.
Iola Man Suspected Of Possessing Child Pornography

A 35-year-old Iola man is facing child pornography possession and use of a computer to facilitate a child sex crime charges following the execution of a search warrant at his residence Wednesday. According to the Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office they began their investigation into the alleged activities of Ernest Kidwell after getting a cybertip from the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children. During Wednesday’s search computers, tablets, and mobile phones were seized as evidence. A detective discovered media on the devices depicting child pornography and child erotica. Kidwell is being held in the Waupaca County Jail on a $5,000 cash bond pending his initial court appearance.
Drive Through COVID 19 Vaccine Booster Clinic In FDL Today
The Fond du Lac County Health Department is partnering with the National Guard to provide Pfizer booster vaccines to eligible individuals. Today they are hosting a drive-thru Pfizer vaccine clinic at the Cow Palace at the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds from 10 am to 6 pm or until capacity has been met. To ensure short wait lines, individuals should register ahead of time at vaccinate.wi.gov. No insurance, appointment, or ID is required. Individuals are eligible if they received two doses of Pfizer vaccine at least six months ago and are at least 65-years-old, or are 18 to 64 with certain medical conditions, or are at increased risk of getting COVID-19 due to their employment.
FDL County Sales Tax Money Split
All 33 of Fond du Lac County’s cities, town and villages will be splitting about $1 million in county sales tax monies next year. In December of this year the County will be paying out its final incentives to Alliance Laundry Systems and Mercury Marine for expansion and addition projects, which makes that part of the sales tax money available in the 2022 County Budget for the first time. County Executive Al Buechel says the County Board’s Finance Committee struggled with coming up with a fair way of splitting that $1 million with the 33 municipalities. They decided they would give out $10,000 each to all 33 of the municipalities, which comes to $330,000. He says the remaining money is based on a 50/50 split between a municipality’s population and equalized value and their percentage of the county’s total population and equalized value.
Money Included In FDL County Budget For Ripon Project
Ripon’s Senior Center/Trailhead Project in Murray Park will be benefitting from some Fond du Lac County money. County Executive Al Buechel says $100,000 is included in the proposed 2022 County Budget. The budget won’t be approved by county supervisors until next month. The county’s finance committee will be going through the proposed budget with a fine toothed comb starting next week. The estimated cost of the Senior Center Facility/Trailhead Project is $2.2 million.
Mapping Out COVID Activity Levels
A color-coded New York Times map has detailed the spread of the COVID-19 virus since the beginning with red, orange and yellow colors used to show the degree of the spread. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says if you follow the map the weather and seasons have played a factor in the spread of the coronavirus. He says people go indoors where they are in closer contact with others when they need to cool off or get warm. He says the map and colors on the map seem to correspond with those cycles. He says as we enter the heating season in the Midwest and north we are likely to see more red colors on that map for the level of COVID activity while the southern states will be represented with cooler colors of orange and yellow for lower levels. The State of Wisconsin does the same thing with a map of the state, but COVID activity levels are represented by different shades of green.
K9 Grant Voting
It’s expensive for law enforcement agencies to fund a K9 unit so sometimes when it comes to grants it’s a dog-eat-dog world. Law enforcement agencies in five Midwestern States including Wisconsin are competing for a $25,000 grant from Aftermath Services, LLC which is based on voting for your favorite K9 unit. Voting can be once a day from each device through October 26th, next Tuesday. Among area law enforcement agencies competing for the grant are police departments from Fond du Lac, Lomira and Oshkosh and sheriff’s offices from Waupaca and Waushara counties. Voting is done on the Aftermath website.
2021 K9 Voting Page – Midwest (aftermath.com)
Highway 26 Project Website
The state’s Department of Transportation tells us a design project website is now available to view proposed replacement of two structures located on State Highway 26 between the village of Rosendale and city of Oshkosh in Fond du Lac County. The state is proposing to replace the vehicle bridge on State Highway 26 over the West Branch of the Fond du Lac River about 2 miles north of Highway 26 in the village of Rosendale and the steel arch pipe culvert approximately 4.5 miles north of the bridge, just south of the Highway 26 intersection with County Highway FF. Construction is tentatively expected in 2023. State Highway 26 will be closed and detoured during construction. Access will be maintained for properties and businesses in the work zone. The public is invited to review the proposed improvements on the website and provide comment.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation WIS 26 – Rosendale to Oshkosh (wisconsindot.gov)
Envision Greater FDL Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast
Envision Greater Fond du Lac President and CEO Sadie Parafiniuk invites businesses to get a glimpse of what might be in store for them in 2022 by attending their Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast on Wednesday, November 3rd. It will be at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Fond du Lac that morning at 7:30. The featured speaker is Michael Gregory, Deputy Chief Economist and Head of U.S. Economics for BMO Capital Markets. He will share insights on interest rates, inflation, labor markets, fiscal policy, and how COVID-19 is affecting business now and in the future. She says it can help businesses make plans for their future. Parafiniuk says if you want to attend you should probably register on the Envision website before the end of the month. The cost to attend is $40 for Envision members and $50 for non-members.
Events (envisiongreaterfdl.com)
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