Four FDL Companies Commended For Workplace Safety
31 October 2021 News
Fond du Lac, Wis. – Envision Greater Fond du Lac’s Safety Council recognized four local companies for outstanding safety performance: Mercury Marine Plant 17, J.F. Ahern, and W.W. Electric Motors at the Gold Award Level; and Marchant Schmidt at the Silver Award Level.
Winners were selected based on their recordable incident reports from 2020. Gold and Silver award levels are determined by the degree to which a company exceeds the average safety recordables of others in their industry.
The Envision Greater Fond du Lac Safety Council is a group of individuals from many industries who actively collaborate with businesses and community services to foster a safer environment for all citizens through networking, best practice sharing, and professional development. More information on the Safety Council is available at envisiongreaterfdl.com/safety-council/.
To learn more about Envision Greater Fond du Lac, please visit envisiongreaterfdl.com
In the photo: (L-R) Corby Gross, JF Ahern, Kelci Berndt, JF Ahern, Dustin Rusch, JF Ahern, Jason Schwefel, Mercury Marine, Gene Newton, WW Electric Motors, Shari Buerger, Marchant Schmidt, Craig Schwartz, Marchant Schmidt
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